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Catholic Life

As a Catholic School we are always mindful of the teachings of the Church and how we should follow in Jesus’ footsteps. The pupils’ are encouraged to follow the example set by the Saints to do Charity Work in School, in the Parish and the Local Community; through volunteering and supporting peers, fund raising or donating goods and time.
Education gives people the grounding they need for life— preparing them for the opportunities, responsibilities, and experiences of later life; helping them achieve positive things and preventing many problems happening later in life.
We try to ensure that all pupils have the experiences that will ensure they become valuable and fully rounded members of society who treat others with respect and tolerance, regardless of background. So that they become young people who understand the importance of respect and leave school fully prepared for life in modern Britain.
The Charity Work undertaken generally comes under the RE, PHSCE or Enrichment Curriculum umbrella. We have implemented this programme because of relevant legislation.

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The Education Act (2002)

Requires all schools to teach a curriculum that is “broadly based, balanced, and meets the needs of pupils.”

From this, we must promote the spiritual and vocational, moral, cultural, social, mental and physical development of pupils at school.

It requires and looks for children to live ‘full active lives as part of their community’ and into adulthood.

It looks for children to feel safe, be happy, fulfil their potential and appreciate others

It must promote British Values (‘Prevent’ strategy in 2011.) Teaching British values means providing a curriculum which 'actively promote(s) the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs'.

Pupils in each Year band take the main responsibility for Charity Work for one half term per Academic Year. The pupils are encouraged to adopt a Charity of their own choice.

Autumn 1 Year 3

Autumn 2 Year 4

Spring 1 Year 1

Spring 2 Year 2

Summer 1 Year 5

Summer 2 Year 6

EYFS (Reception & Nursery)

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Throughout Autumn 1 and the Summer Term a weekly Charity Enrichment Activity is held which children choose to be part of, where they undertake extra fund raising work for Charities of their choice.


During Vocations and Citizenship Day, held annually around May, Yearbands often take a different charitable slant. Often this involves supporting the Homeless found in Birmingham City Centre. The Homeless are also supported at Harvest Time with donations from the Harvest Festival going to the Fireside Centre.


There are also whole School Charity initiatives annually in Lent and Advent.


The School always gives support to the Diocesan Charity of Father Hudson’s Care and pupils from each Yearband represent the School at the annual Good Shepherd Mass at St Chad’s Cathedral.


The focus of the Advent Charity varies. Previous Advent or Academic Year Charity Fund Raising Initiatives have seen the pupils raising money for the Parish Church refurbishments. Each year the School supports Mission Together, an initiative of Pope Francis.

The Staff of St Bernadette’s are also heavily involved in Charity Work in many forms. Supporting by donating Raffle Prizes or other goods as needed. Volunteering and giving time to support children and families outside of School. As well as undertaking personal fund raising activities.

Catholic Life: Text


It is important that all pupils have a basic understanding that all of us are created in the image and likeness of God and although we are all very different , God loves every one of us no matter what we look like or how different we are.

Our curriculum is designed to enable every pupil to reach their full potential and this is achieved through the broad and balanced curriculum on offer and the strong, pastoral support available to all children.





Our school mission statement is:

At St Bernadette’s catholic School you will find us caring, hardworking and co-operative. We follow the ways of Jesus using our talents and gifts to make our school special. We show respect to all and welcome you.

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