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  • RSE | St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School

    RSE Relationships and Sex Education in Schools In June 2019, the Government released the final guidance document of what schools will need to deliver around RSE as part of the basic school curriculum. This guidance replaces the SRE guidance of 2000 The new statutory requirements come into effect from September 2020, although the DFE is encouraging schools to begin teaching the new curriculum now. ​ As a minimum, all schools will be required to cover a number of themes and topics by the end of the primary or secondary phase. Relationships education Families and people who care for me Caring relationships Respectful relationships Online relationships Being safe Physical health and mental well being Mental wellbeing Internet safety and harms Physical health and fitness Healthy eating Drugs alcohol and tobacco Health and prevention Basic first aid Changing adolescent body Delivery Many schools currently deliver these topics as part of their timetabled PSHE (personal social and health education) The content also complements national curriculum subjects such as science, PE and computing. It is a requirement that all schools have a written policy in place for RSE and this is freely available to parents and stakeholders. The policy should reflect the needs of the children, parents and the community they serve. Schools are allowed to devise a policy that reflects the faith background of their pupils. Right to withdraw There is no right of parental withdrawal from Relationships Education or Health education elements. Parents do have the right to withdraw from some or all of the sex education, outside of the mandatory requirements ie that stated in the science national curriculum. RSE at St Bernadette’s At St Bernadette’s we have subscribed to an online RSE Programme provided by a Catholic company called Ten:Ten. Ten:Ten are an award-winning theatre, film and educational organization working in Catholic Primary Schools throughout the UK. We currently use the Collective Worship and Assembly materials provided by Ten:Ten. The program provided by Ten:Ten is called Life To The Full. It is being promoted by the Birmingham Diocesan Education Service. Further information can be found by downloading the PDF presentations below. RSE - KS1 RSE - KS2 RSE: Text

  • Corona Virus Updates | St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School

    CORONA VIRUS - Updates and Information ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Risk Assessment Covid Catch Up Premium Remote Education Provision Blended & Remote Learning Covid Management Plan For the latest information relating to Corona Virus, please visit the Government website and World Health Organisation. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​​ For any urgent queries regarding Corona Virus, you can contact the Department of Education Helpline using the contact information provided below. This is for Staff members and Parents. ​ Department for Education Helpline: Phone: 0800 046 8687 Opening hours: 8am to 6pm (Monday to Friday) ​ NHS Information: NHS 111 has an online coronavirus service that can tell you if you need medical help and advise you what to do. Use this service if: you think you might have coronavirus in the last 14 days you’ve been to a country or area with a high risk of coronavirus – see travelling advice you’ve been in close contact with someone with coronavirus What are Covid 19 Symptons? The main SYMPTOMS OF Covid-19 are: - A new continuous cough and/or - Fever (temperature of 37.8 degrees or higher) - Loss of or change in, normal sense of taste of smell (anosmia) What is the mode of transmission? Covid-19 is passed from person to person mainly by large respiratory droplets and direct contact (close unprotected contact, usually less than one metre). These droplets can be directly inhaled by the person or can land on surfaces which another person may touch which can lead to infection if they then touch their nose, mouth or eyes. When is a person infectious? A person is thought to be infectious 48 hours before symptoms appear, and up to seven days after they start displaying symptoms. Are pupils at risk of infection? Pupils of all ages can catch the infection, but pupils make up a very small proportion of Covid-19 cases with about 1% of confirmed cases in England aged under 19 years. Pupils also have a much lower risk of developing symptoms or severe disease. If setting has been notified of symptomatic pupil/staff member, should the rest of the class/bubble be excluded? No, the class/bubble should continue to attend the education setting as normal. The symptomatic case should stay at home and follow the stay at home guidance: the staff member/pupil’s parents encouraged to get tested. Any siblings of the pupil attending the setting/staff’s household member should self-isolate for 10 days. Should a pupil/staff member come to School if a member of their household is unwell? No. If a member of the pupil’s/staff member’s household is unwell with COVID-19 symptoms then the pupil/staff member should isolate for 10 days starting from the day after the household member(s) became ill. If the pupil subsequently develops symptoms then they should isolate for 10 days from the date. Can the siblings of a pupil who is self-isolating because they are a contact of a case attend the education? Yes, other household members of the contact do not need to self-isolate unless the pupil, young person or staff member they live with in that group subsequently develops symptoms. If a pupil has Covid-19 symptoms, get tested and tests negative, can they return to the education setting even if they still have symptoms? If the pupil is NOT a known contact of a confirmed case the pupil can return to the education if the result is negative, provided they feel well, and they have not had a fever for 48 hours. Should close contacts of a positive case get tested? No, they are not required to get tested unless they develop symptoms during the 14 days of isolation. Key Worker Contact Form A message to all the children at St. Bernadette's

  • Curriculum | St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School

    Curriculum All learning experiences are planned to offer the broadest educational opportunities to pupils. Everyday offers opportunities to acquire new skills and knowledge. Learning is delivered through assemblies, visits, themed weeks, after school clubs, as well as through timetabled lessons for particular subjects. We employ a combination of setting and mixed ability grouping depending on the subject area. A range of strategies are used to motivate and address the needs of all learners. Whole class teaching, group work, paired work and individual study is used at appropriate times. Pupils are given the opportunity to take the initiative, make decisions, work co-operatively and sometimes independently, supported by the class teacher. Resources are varied and include textbooks, worksheets, audio-visual, ICT and interactive materials, all of which are intended to support learning. Curriculum: Student Life Foundation Stage Curriculum Developing creative, confident learners Children may enter Nursery in the school year in which they will be four years old and may start Reception in the school year in which they will be five years old. The Nursery and Reception Years follow the Foundation Stage of the National Curriculum, which is based on seven areas of learning: Prime Areas Personal, Social & Emotional Development Communication & Language Physical Development Specific Areas 4. Literacy 5. Mathematics 6. Understanding the World 7. Expressive Arts and Design In order for new pupils to settle into school, we ensure that the Nursery and Reception children have their own: Early lunch sitting Outdoor play area Induction day. Curriculum: Academics KS1 & KS2 Children in KS1 (age 5-7, Yr1 and Yr2) and KS2 (age 7-11, Yr3- Yr6) follow the National Curriculum. The National Curriculum Consists of: Religious Education Core Subjects (English, Mathematics & Science) Foundation Subjects (Art & Design, Citizenship, Computing, Design & Technology, French, Geography, History, Music, Physical Education) Delivery of these subjects ranges from discrete lesson time, cross curricular elements through other subjects and in dedicated curriculum days. Curriculum: Text Curriculum: List Intent, Implement, Impact Curriculum Maths Science Topic Computing English PE MFL EYFS

  • Our Class Saints | St Bernadette's Cath

    Our Class Saints Our Lady of Lourdes Feast Day: 11th February The Patron Saint of Lourdes, Bodily Ills, Sick People, Asthmatics, and Protection from Diseases. Of course, Mary, Jesus’ mother, is the greatest saint. She has appeared to many people over the centuries. Each place she has appeared, she has been given a different title. Our Lady of Lourdes was the title she was given after she visited Bernadette Soubirous, a fourteen-year-old girl, in 1858. Bernadette lived in a poor house in Lourdes, France, with her parents, two brothers, and a sister. It used to be a jail! One day Bernadette was out with her sister and a friend to gather wood for the fire. Bernadette, who had asthma and was often sick, did not cross over the stream to gather wood on the other side with her sister and friend. While they were gone, Bernadette heard a noise near a cave-like area and went to investigate. There, Bernadette saw a lovely lady dressed in white who had a blue sash around her waist and a rose on each foot. She was beautiful! Bernadette prayed the rosary with this lady before she disappeared. The lady asked her to come back again. The lady appeared to Bernadette a total of eighteen times. Bernadette was teased and laughed at; many believed that she was either imagining the appearances of Our Lady or making it up. When a spring miraculously appeared after one of the visions, many who doubted her began to believe. Those who bathed in the spring were often cured of serious sickness or disability. Eventually, the lady identified herself: “I am the Immaculate Conception,” she told Bernadette. It was then that people realised it was Mary, the mother of God, appearing to Bernadette. Our Lady’s appearance at Lourdes to a simple, poor girl, can help us see the beauty in poverty and can remind us that our Mother knows us, loves us, and is always with us. ‘For those you believe in God, no explanation is necessary. For those who do not believe, no explanation is possible,’ (The Song of Bernadette). Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us. St. Bernadette Feast Day: 16th April The Patron Saint of Illness, People Ridiculed for their Piety, Poverty, Shepherds, Shepherdesses, and Lourdes, France. St. Bernadette was born in Lourdes, France, on 7th January 1844. Her parents were poor, and she was the first of nine children. She was baptised at the local parish church St. Pierre’s, on 9th January. As a toddler, Bernadette contracted cholera and suffered extreme asthma. Unfortunately, she lived the rest of her life in poor health. On Thursday, 11th February 1858, fourteen-year-old Bernadette was sent with her younger sister and a friend to gather firewood when a very beautiful lady appeared to her above a rose bush in a grotto called Massabielle (Tuta de Massavielha). The woman wore blue and white and smiled at Bernadette before making the sign of the cross with a rosary of ivory and gold. Bernadette fell to her knees, took out her rosary, and began praying. Bernadette later described the woman as ‘uo petito damizelo’, meaning ‘a small young lady’. Though her sister and friend claimed they could not see her, Bernadette knew what she saw was real. On 18th February, Bernadette said ‘the vision’ asked her to return to the grotto daily for a fortnight. When Bernadette began to visit the grotto, her parents were embarrassed and attempted to stop her but could not do so. On 25th February, Bernadette claimed to have had a life-changing vision. The vision had told her ‘to drink the spring’s water, to wash in it and to eat the herb that grew there’ as an act of penance. The next day, the grotto's muddy waters had cleared, and freshwater flowed. Though many townspeople believed she had been seeing the Holy Virgin, Bernadette's story created a division in her town. Many thought she was telling the truth, while others believed she had a mental illness and demanded she be put in a mental asylum. Some believed Bernadette's visions meant she needed to pray for penance. ​ Church authorities and the French government rigorously interviewed the girl, and by 1862 they confirmed she spoke the truth. Since Bernadette first caused the spring to produce clean water, 69 cures have been verified by the Lourdes Medical Bureau, and after what the Church claimed were "extremely rigorous scientific and medical examinations," no one could explain what caused the cures. Following the miracles, Bernadette decided she did not like the attention she was getting and went to the hospice school run by the Sisters of Charity of Nevers, where she was taught to read and write. Though she considered joining the Carmelites, her health was too fragile. Unfortunately, she was diagnosed with tuberculosis of the bone in her right knee and could not participate in convent life. She died in the Sainte Croix (Holy Cross) Infirmary of the Convent of Saint-Gildard at the age of 35 on April 16, 1879, while praying the holy rosary. St. Bernadette, pray for us. St. Patrick ​ Feast Day: 17th March The Patron Saint of Ireland and Nigeria. When Patrick was about sixteen, he was captured by pirates from his home in Roman Britain and taken as a slave to Ireland, where he looked after animals. He lived there for six years, and during this time, he learned the local language and became closer to God. Patrick escaped captivity and returned to his family in his early twenties. He later travelled to France, where he trained in a monastery, possibly under Saint Germain, the Bishop of Auxerre. He dedicated his life to learning. Twelve years later, it is thought he returned to Ireland sent with the Pope's blessing. As he knew the language, he could preach to people and baptise them, and he also married couples. He established monasteries, schools, and churches. He brought Christianity to Ireland and converted people to his religion. He is credited as the first bishop of Armagh and Primate of Ireland. Patrick used the three leaves of a shamrock to explain the holy trinity (the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit). We cannot be certain exactly when Patrick was born or died, but there is evidence of him being in Ireland in the 5th Century. Saint Patrick's Day is observed on 17 March, the supposed date of his death. It is celebrated inside and outside Ireland as a religious and cultural holiday. In the dioceses in Ireland, it is a holy day of obligation. All around the world, St. Patrick and Ireland are celebrated on this day. St. Patrick, pray for us. St. Teresa of Calcutta Feast Day: 5th September The Patron Saint of World Youth Day, Missionaries of Charity, Archdiocese of Calcutta. ​ Agnes Bojaxhiu was born in the city of Skopje, which is the capital of the Republic of Macedonia, in August 1910. Her mother died when she was eight years old, and her father brought her up. At eighteen, she went to Ireland, joined the Sisters of Lorreto, and became a missionary in India. Based in Darjeeling, she learnt the language to teach in a local school. Eight years later, she made her solemn vows and took the name Teresa after Saint Thérèse of Lisieux. In 1946 she had what she called “the call within the call” and experienced interior visions that led her to the conviction that Christ was calling her to serve “the poorest of the poor.” Inspired by what she was doing, many other women joined her. This is how the Missionaries of Charity were formed, and she became known as Mother Teresa. Her legacy continues today through the work of over 4500 sisters who care for people worldwide and run schools, soup kitchens and homes for orphaned children. During her life, she won awards, including the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 and India’s highest civilian award in 1980. In 2003 Pope John Paul II began the process of making her a saint, and she was canonised as St. Teresa of Calcutta in September 2016 by Pope Francis. St. Teresa of Calcutta, pray for us. St. George ​ Feast day: 23rd April The Patron Saint of England St. George was raised a Christian and always wanted to be a soldier. When he was old enough, he joined the army. The man in charge of the army, Diocletian, hated Christians and had many put to death. Diocletian decided that everyone in his army must worship him and the Roman gods instead. George refused even though the army officials begged him to deny the one true God. Knowing that he would soon be arrested and executed, George gave all his money to the poor and prepared himself for death. He was cruelly tortured and then beheaded on April 23, 303. He is most famous for the legend of St. George and the Dragon. In a city called Silene lived a dragon who breathed fire. The dragon poisoned the countryside. To please the dragon, the people of Silene gave it a sheep every day for food, and when there were no more sheep, they gave their children to the dragon. The children were chosen by a lottery. One year, the lottery chose the King's daughter. The King, sad and desperate, asked the people to take all his gold, silver, and half of his empire - but only if his daughter could be saved. The people refused. The daughter was sent out to the lake, dressed in white as a bride, to be a fine meal for the dragon. Not knowing this, St. George rode past the lake the same day. The princess, terrified and trembling, tried to send him away, but George said he would stay and protect her. The dragon came suddenly out of the lake while they were speaking. St. George made the Sign of the Cross, jumped on his horse and advanced toward the dragon. He used his long spear to hurt the dragon badly. Then he asked the princess to throw her long belt at him. He put the silk belt around the dragon's neck, and the dragon followed the girl. The Princess and St. George took the dragon back to Silene, where the people were terrified to see the dragon enter. But Saint George told them not to be scared. He said that if the people became Christians and went to Church to be baptised, he would kill the dragon immediately. The king and the people of Silene converted to Christianity; George killed the dragon with his sword, 'Ascalon', and its body was taken out of the city on carts. Fifteen thousand men were baptised, not counting women and children. The king built a Church for the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. George on the site where the dragon died. On St. George's Day, some people in England wear a red rose or put an English flag in their window. The flag of England is white with a red cross. The flag’s design is often called 'The Saint George Cross'. St. George, pray for us. St. Joseph Feast Day: 19th March The Patron Saint of Fathers, the Catholic Church, Unborn Children, Happy Death, Carpenters, Pilgrims, and Immigrants (to name a few). ​ Joseph was the husband of Mary and Jesus’ foster father. Saints Luke and Matthew both comment that he is a descendant of David, considered the greatest king of Israel (Matthew 1:1-16 and Luke 3:23-38). From the Bible, we learn that he was a carpenter and a hard-working man. He was not thought to be rich as when he and Mary presented Jesus in the temple; he offered two turtledoves as a sacrifice, which was allowed if you could not afford a lamb (Luke 2:24). There are no spoken words recorded by Saint Joseph in the Bible. Joseph was a man of action and protected Jesus when God told him to go to Egypt and protect Jesus from King Herod. He was compassionate and loving towards Mary and Jesus and listened to and respected God. Since Joseph does not appear in Jesus' public life, at his death or resurrection, many believe Joseph probably died before Jesus entered public ministry. It is believed that he died in the arms of Jesus and Mary, so he is the patron of a happy death. Saint Joseph’s feast day is 19th March which is always during Lent. Many countries worldwide celebrate and remember Saint Joseph’s life and example today. In Spain, people celebrate Father’s Day, El Dia del Padre, on this day. St. Joseph, pray for us. St. Cecilia Feast day: 22nd November The Patron Saint of Music and Musicians. Cecilia was a Roman noblewoman who had given her heart to Christ. Cecilia's parents gave her in marriage to a young pagan noble, Valerian of Trastevere. Cecilia is considered the patroness of music because, during the wedding celebration, the lovely bride sat apart, singing a hymn of love to God in her heart and praying for his help. Cecilia told her husband, "I have a secret to tell you. You must know that I have an angel of God watching over me.” Valerian was surprised and said kindly, "Show me this angel. If he comes from God, I will do as you wish." Cecilia said, "If you believe in the one true God and receive the waters of Baptism, then you will see my angel." Valerian went to Bishop Urban and was received with joy. After he had professed his belief, he was baptised and returned to St. Cecilia. Thereby the saint's side, the young man saw the splendid angel. The angel placed a crown on each of their heads and offered Valerian a favour, and Valerian asked that his brother also be baptised. Valerian's brother, Tiburtius, learned of the faith from Cecilia. She spoke so beautifully of Jesus, and as a result, he was baptised before long. Together the two brothers performed many works of charity and mercy, like burying dead martyrs. When arrested, they bravely went to death rather than give up their new faith in Jesus. St. Cecilia lovingly buried their bodies before she, too, was arrested. As St. Cecilia was dying, she lay pointing three fingers on one hand and one finger on the other to profess her belief in the Blessed Trinity. When her tomb was opened about one thousand five hundred years later in Rome, her body was still found perfect and incorrupt. St. Cecilia, pray for us. St. Catherine of Siena Feast Day: 29th April The Patron Saint of Italy. ​ She was born in Siena and died in Rome. She promoted peace in Italy and is one of Italy’s two patron saints: Saint Francis of Assisi. She was born Katerina de Benincasa in western Italy, the 25th of 25 children. She was born during the Black Death or Bubonic Plague. Although it probably killed many she knew, she did not contract the disease and survived the epidemic. She had a twin sister, who died several months later. Her family was part of the lower classes, and she did not become literate until 1378. At the age of six, Catherine had a vision of Jesus Christ. She continued to receive many visions throughout her life. At age 12, Catherine cut off her hair and was obligated to serve her family, living in small quarters in the basement. At 16, she entered the Third Order of St. Dominic and later became a Dominican nun. She wrote a book called Dialogue, which taught that if you love your neighbours, it is loving God. She also devoted her life to improving the Catholic church, helping the ill, poor, and spiritually underprivileged. Catherine persuaded the pope to return from Avignon, France and back to Rome. She also tried to start a new Crusade to the holy land, Jerusalem. She died of “holy anorexia” as she ate very little in the name of God. She became a saint in 1461 and was later made a Doctor of the Church in 1970 by Pope Paul VI and a patron of Europe in 1999. St. Catherine of Siena, pray for us. St. Augustine of Hippo ​ Feast Day: 28th August The Patron Saint of Converts to Christianity, Printers and Theologians. ​ ​ Augustine was originally from North Africa. Also known as Augustine of Hippo, he was born in the Roman province of Numidia (modern-day Algeria) to a Christian mother and a pagan father. The young Augustine attended school for several years, where he became acquainted with Latin literature after showing an aptitude for his studies. Despite his academic brilliance, Augustine never managed to master Greek: his first teacher had been strict and beaten his students, so Augustine rebelled and responded by refusing to study. He never managed to learn properly later in life, which he said was a deep regret. He was, however, fluent in Latin and could make comprehensive and clever arguments. He was ordained a priest in Hippo and later became the Bishop of Hippo in 395. He preached between 6,000 and 10,000 sermons in his lifetime! In 430, the invasion into Roman Africa besieged Hippo. During the siege, Augustine was said to have miraculously healed an ill man. He died during the siege on 28 August, spending his final days absorbed in prayer and doing penance. Influenced by Greek and Roman philosophers, Augustine helped shape and create some of Western Christianity’s key theological ideas and doctrines, including those around original sin, divine grace and virtue. He is remembered today as one of the key theologians in Christianity, alongside St. Paul. St. Augustine, pray for us. St. Peter Feast day: 29th June The Patron Saint of Popes, Rome, and many cities that bear his name, such as St. Petersburg and Saint-Pierre. As a Former Fisherman, he is the Patron Saint of Netmakers, Shipbuilders, and Fishermen, and because he holds the “Keys of Heaven,” he is also the Patron Saint of Locksmiths. St. Peter, named Simon at birth, was a fisherman from the village of Bethsaida in Galilee. Peter and his brother Andrew were fishermen before Jesus called them to follow him. One day as Peter and Andrew were mending their fishing nets, Jesus called out to the brothers. Jesus said, "Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men." Both brothers left their nets to become disciples of Jesus. After Jesus rose from the dead, Peter was among the first to see him alive. Peter’s given name was Simon, but Jesus gave him the name ‘Peter’, which means ‘rock.’ Jesus entrusted Peter with an extraordinary task. He appointed him the leader of the Church. Jesus said, "You are Peter, and upon this rock, I will build my church" (Matthew 16:18). Peter received the Holy Spirit with the other disciples at Pentecost. The gifts of the Holy Spirit enabled him to carry out the mission of Jesus to witness the Gospel. He encouraged the early Christians to spread the Gospel message to people of all nations. Peter bravely accepted suffering for the sake of Christ as well. He was imprisoned for preaching the Gospel. When he was released, he continued his mission. Then he went to Rome to preach the Gospel there. When a persecution of Christians broke out, Peter was arrested and killed. On 29th June, the Church celebrates the Feast Day of Saint Peter the Apostle. The historical accuracy of the accounts of Peter's role in Rome is a matter of ongoing debate. In art, he is often shown holding the keys to the kingdom of heaven (interpreted by Roman Catholics as a sign of his primacy over the Church), a reference to Matthew 16:19. Christian tradition says Saint Peter was the first leader of an early apostolic community for at least 34 years. At that time, the word Pope or ‘Papa’ was not used to name the leader of the Roman Catholic Church. At that time, there was only one Christian Church. Later, the Roman Catholic Church would say that Peter was their first Pope. St. Peter, pray for us. St. Francis of Assisi ​Feast Day: 4th October The Patron Saint of Animals, Merchants, and Ecology. ​ Founder of the Franciscan Order and born at Assisi in Umbria in 1181, Francis enjoyed a rich, easy life growing up because of his father's wealth. He was originally named Giovanni Francesco Bernardone. From the beginning, everyone loved Francis. He was constantly happy, charming, and a born leader. If he was picky, people excused him. If he was ill, people took care of him. No one minded if he was so much of a dreamer or if he did poorly in school. No one tried to control him or teach him. ​ As he grew up, Francis became the leader of a crowd of young people who spent their nights at wild parties. Like his father, he loved the country and songs of France. He was first interested in French troubadours, known as wanderers, who improvised songs on a stringed instrument. He was also good at business. However, Francis wanted more than wealth. He wanted to be a noble, a knight. Battles were the best place to win the glory and prestige he longed for. He got his first chance when Assisi declared war on their long-time enemy, the nearby town of Perugia. A call for knights for the Fourth Crusade gave Francis a chance for his dream. But he never got farther than one day's ride from Assisi. There he had a dream in which God told him he had it all wrong and told him to return home. And return home, he did. What must it have been like to return without ever making it to battle -- the boy who wanted nothing more than to be liked was humiliated, laughed at, and called a coward by the village. ​ Francis' conversion did not happen overnight. God had waited for him for twenty-five years, and now it was Francis' turn to wait. He started to spend more time in prayer. He went off to a cave and wept for his sins. Sometimes God's grace overwhelmed him with joy. But life couldn't just stop for God. There was a business to run, customers to wait on. ​ One day while riding through the countryside, Francis, the man who loved beauty, came face to face with a leper. Repelled by the appearance and the smell of the leper, he nevertheless jumped down from his horse and kissed the hand of the leper. When his kiss of peace was returned, Francis was filled with joy. As he rode off, he turned around for a last wave and saw that the leper had disappeared. He always looked upon it as a test from God... that he had passed. Francis’ father was not happy with his son’s conversion to humility and disowned him. Wearing nothing but castoff rags, Francis went off into the freezing woods -singing. And when robbers beat him later and took his clothes, he climbed out of the ditch and went off singing again. From then on, Francis had nothing... and yet everything. ​ Slowly companions came to Francis. He knew he now had to have some kind of direction in this life. "Here is our rule," Francis said. He would do what no one thought possible anymore by the Gospel. Francis' brotherhood included all of God's creation. Much has been written about Francis' love of nature, but his relationship was deeper than that. He felt that nature and God's creations were part of his brotherhood. The sparrow was as much his brother as the Pope. Years of poverty and wandering had made Francis ill. His final years were filled with suffering as well as humiliation. Praying to share Christ's passion, he had a vision that received the stigmata, the marks of the nails and the lance wound Christ suffered in his own body. Francis never recovered from this illness. He died on 4th October 1226, at the age of 45. On his feast day, many churches have a ceremony for people to bring their pets and working animals to church. St. Francis, pray for us. St. Margaret Clitherow ​ Feast Day: 26th March The Patron Saint of Businesswomen, Converts, Martyrs, Catholic Women's League, and Latin Mass Society. ​ Clitherow was born Margaret Middleton in 1556, one of five children of Thomas and Jane Middleton. Her father was a respected businessman, a wax chandler, and Sheriff of York in 1564. He died when Margaret was fourteen. She married John Clitherow, a wealthy butcher and a city chamberlain, in 1571 and bore him three children. Margaret converted to Roman Catholicism in 1574. Although her husband belonged to the Established Church, he was supportive as his brother William was a Roman Catholic priest. He paid her fines for not attending church services. She was first imprisoned in 1577 for failing to attend church. Two more incarcerations at York Castle followed. Her third child, William, was born in prison. Margaret risked her life by harbouring and maintaining priests. She provided two chambers, where she kept priests hidden, and Mass was celebrated through the thick of the Roman Catholic persecution. Her home became one of northern England's most important hiding places for fugitive priests. She sent her older son, Henry, to the English College in France to train for the priesthood. Her husband was summoned by the authorities to explain why his oldest son had gone abroad, and in March 1586, the Clitherow house was searched. A frightened boy revealed the location of the priest’s hole. Margaret was arrested for the crime of harbouring Roman Catholic priests. She refused to plead innocent or guilty to prevent a trial involving her children being made to testify and being tortured. Although pregnant with her fourth child, she was executed on Lady Day, 1586 (which also happened to be Good Friday that year) in the Toll Booth at Ouse Bridge by being crushed to death. The two sergeants who should have carried out the execution hired four desperate beggars to do it instead. Following her execution, Queen Elizabeth I wrote to the citizens of York, expressing her horror at the treatment of a woman. Because of her gender, she argued, Clitherow should not have been executed. St. Margaret of Clitherow, pray for us. St. Nicholas ​ Feast Day: 6th December The Patron Saint of Children, Coopers, Sailors, Fishermen, Merchants, Broadcasters, the Falsely Accused, Repentant Thieves and Brewers. St. Nicholas was born in the third century in Patara (modern-day Turkey) into a wealthy Christian family. When he was still very young, his parents died of an epidemic. He then sold his inheritance to help the poor and the suffering. Nicholas became the bishop of Myra when he was still a young man. He joined Saint Ambrose and Saint Severus in being appointed bishop without serving as a priest. He soon became widely known for his generosity and willingness to help those in need, his love for children, and his concern for sailors and ships. During the reign of Emperor Diocletian, who persecuted Christians, Bishop Nicholas was exiled and imprisoned for about five years. Bishop Nicholas died on December 6, 343. He was recognised as a saint before canonisation became a formal process in the 10th century. In those days, saints were declared by acclamation, which is the unanimous consent of the people. It is said that every year, the relics of St. Nicholas give off pure water that smells like rose water and is called manna or myrrh. The water is believed to have miraculous powers. It gradually seeps out of the tomb and is collected annually on St. Nicholas’ feast day, the 6th of December. The ‘manna’ helped to spread and foster the growth of the devotion to St. Nicholas. Throughout the years, history and legend have blended regarding the life of St. Nicholas. A well-known story established the tradition of St. Nicholas as a gift-giver. There was a woodcutter who had three daughters. In the days of Nicholas, when daughters were married, a father had to offer the potential husband a dowry – something valuable. A woman was likelier to marry a good man with a larger dowry. The poor woodcutter’s daughters had no dowry and would be sold into slavery. However, mysteriously, on three different nights, a bag of gold was tossed through an open window, landing in some stockings or shoes left by the fire to dry. Because of this gift by Nicholas, the three daughters were saved from slavery and given a future. Because of this story, the tradition of leaving shoes by the fireplace on St. Nicholas’ feast day began. On the feast day of St. Nicholas, it is customary for children to place their shoes by the fireplace, windowsill, or bedroom door for St. Nicholas to fill with toys, fruit, chocolate, and coins. Giving gifts on this feast day can re-centre the focus of Christmas on the birth of Christ instead of on presents. Every 6th December, St. Nicholas should remind us that true joy lies not in receiving but in giving! St. Nicholas, pray for us. St John Paul II Feast Day: 22nd October The Patron Saint of World Youth Day. ​ Karol Wojtyla, known as Pope John Paul II, was born in Wadowice, a small city in Poland, on May 18, 1920. He made his First Holy Communion at age 9 and was confirmed at 18. Upon graduation from high school in Wadowice, he enrolled in Cracow's University in 1938 and in a drama school. The Nazi occupation forces closed the university in 1939. Young Karol had to work in a quarry (1940-1944) and then in the chemical factory to earn his living and avoid being deported to Germany. In 1942, aware of his call to the priesthood, he began courses in the seminary of Cracow. After the Second World War, he continued his seminary studies until his ordination in Cracow on November 1st, 1946. He later became the Bishop of Ombi in 1958 and the Archbishop of Krakow in 1964. He was made a Cardinal by Pope Paul VI in 1967, and in 1978 became the first non-Italian Pope in more than 400 years. Pope John Paul II is remembered for his successful efforts to end communism, as well as for building bridges with peoples of other faiths and issuing the Catholic Church's first apology for its actions during World War II. As the leader of the Catholic Church, he travelled the world, visiting more than 100 countries to spread his message of faith and peace. He was a vocal advocate for human rights and used his influence to effect political change. He died in Italy in 2005. It was announced in July 2013 that he would be declared a saint in April of the following year. St. John Paul II, pray for us. St. David ​ Feast Day: 1st March The Patron Saint of Wales, Vegetarians and poets. ​ David was born in Wales and wanted nothing more than to serve God. He studied hard at school and excelled in studying the scriptures. David later became a monk; he founded ten monasteries where all the monks lived the same simple life as David, working hard and studying hard to serve God in the best possible way. David was kind to everyone who needed help but quickly corrected those who made mistakes. At this time, a group of people were talking a great deal of nonsense about God. A meeting was called regarding this matter, and David demonstrated that he was a great defender of the faith. As a result of this was made head of the church in Wales. It is said that St. David was preaching to a large crowd of people. The people at the back could not hear him. He made the ground below him form a hill so that the people at the back could hear and see him better! His last words to his followers came from his sermon just before he died: “Be joyful, keep the faith, and do the little things that you have heard and seen me do.” He is now buried in the City of St David’s in Wales in St David’s Cathedral. St. David, pray for us. St Anthony of Padua ​ ​ Feast Day: 13th June The Patron Saint of Lost Things. ​ ​ Anthony’s birth and baptismal name was Fernando Martins. He was born in Portugal in 1195 to a wealthy family, yet he felt called to the priesthood and chose a life of poverty. At the age of fifteen, he travelled to the capital of Portugal to study to become a priest. After his ordination (when he became a priest), he lived at an abbey and cared for visiting guests. Once when some Franciscans were visiting, Fernando felt called to join their order. When he took the vows of this order, he changed his name to Anthony. The plan was for Anthony to travel to Morocco to help spread the Catholic faith. While there, he became very sick. Because he was so ill, his superiors decided to send him back to Portugal. On the way home, a storm blew his ship off course. Instead of landing back in Portugal, they landed in Sicily, close to Italy. They then travelled to Tuscany, which is in the middle of Italy. Being ill and weak, Anthony’s superiors decided to have him stay with some local friars to regain his health. He spent a long time there praying and studying. One day, Dominican friars arrived, and there was confusion about who would give the homily at a Mass. Somehow, it was determined that Anthony should give it. Anthony was not known for his preaching abilities, and his superior told him, “Just say what the Holy Spirit wants you to.” (In other words, don’t prepare anything, and God will give you the words to say.) His homily was so well received that he was from then on asked to preach to various groups. He became known as a great preacher. What was so special about Anthony’s preaching? Anyone, young or old, educated, could understand what he was trying to teach. Books back in this time were rare and highly treasured. Anthony had a book that he often used for reference when teaching. One day it was stolen. St. Anthony prayed that the thief would return it. His prayer was answered. The thief even eventually became a member of his religious order! It was deemed a miracle. This is why people pray to St. Anthony when searching for lost items. "Dear St. Anthony, please come around: something is lost, and it cannot be found." St. Anthony of Padua, pray for us. St. Jude Feast Day: 28th October The Patron Saint of Lost Causes and Hopeless Situations. St. Jude, known as Thaddaeus, which means 'generous and kind', was a brother of St. James the Less and a relative of Jesus. St. Jude was one of the twelve Apostles of Jesus and is referred to in the Gospels and Acts of the Apostles, sometimes called ‘Jude of James’. Ancient writers tell us that Jude preached the Gospel in Judea, Samaria, Idumaea, Syria, Mesopotamia, and Libya. He returned to Jerusalem in the year 62 and assisted in the election of his brother, Saint Simeon, as Bishop of Jerusalem. We often see pictures and statues of St. Jude with a flame on his head. This represented his presence at Pentecost when he received the Holy Spirit with the other Apostles. Sometimes we see him in a boat to symbolise that, as an Apostle, he was a fisher of men. Another common attribute is Jude holding an image of Jesus Christ, known as the Image of Edessa. Little is known about Jude's life other than that he was a good man who followed the Lord. He asked Jesus at the Last Supper why he would not manifest himself to the whole world after his Resurrection. He is thought to have been martyred in Beirut around 65 AD, along with fellow apostle Simon the Zealot. He is sometimes depicted showing a club or axe, symbolising how he died. In the Catholic church, he is known as the patron saint for hopeless causes. Jude became associated with desperate situations because of a letter he wrote to the Churches of the East. In it, he says that the faithful must keep going even in harsh or challenging circumstances. Most holy Apostle, St. Jude, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, I place myself into your hands at this difficult time. Please help me to know that I am not alone. Please pray for me, asking God to send me comfort for my sorrows, bravery for my fears, and healing for my suffering. Ask our loving God to strengthen my faith and give me the courage to accept His Will for my life. Thank you, St. Jude, for the hope you offer to all who believe in you. St. Jude, pray for us. St. Valentine Feast Day: 14th February The Patron Saint of Marriage. ​ St. Valentine lived a lo ng time ago when Emperor Claudius II was the ruler of Rome. There were two important things to know about this king. First, Claudius II did not like Christians. Second, he loved having lots of soldiers to fight in his wars! Claudius II thought having soldiers for his wars was so important that he made a law that people could not get married. Claudius II believed that if young boys got married and had families, they would not want to go off and fight in his wars. This made things tricky for the Christians following God. First, they knew that God wanted them to worship Him, not the false gods of Claudius II. Second, they knew God wanted them to marry and start families. St. Valentine had the special job of being God’s helper during this time. He was a priest, so he would marry the men and women who wanted to get married. This is why he is called the patron saint of love and marriage. Emperor Claudius tried to no avail to convert Saint Valentine. Regardless of what was asked, however, Valentine would not renounce his faith, so Claudius sent him to prison. The guard where Valentine was imprisoned listened as he preached day in and day out. As the legend goes, the guard, Asterius, had a daughter who was blind. He asked Valentine to hear her confession, which he did. Afterwards, Valentine put his hands over the girl’s eyes and chanted: “Lord Jesus Christ, enlighten your handmaid because You are God, the True Light.” Immediately, the little girl regained her eyesight. Because of this miracle, the guard and many of his family members converted to Christianity and were baptised. Upon hearing of the conversions, Emperor Claudius condemned them to death. He was killed on 14th February 269. St. Valentine, pray for us. St. Oscar Romero ​Feast day: 24th March The Patron Saint of Persecuted Christians. Oscar Arnulfo Romero was born into a family of ten on 15 August in Ciudad Barrios, El Salvador. His father was in charge of the local telegraph office. Sometimes the young Romero helped his father to deliver telegrams. Oscar learned to be a carpenter, making tables, chairs, and doors. When he was 14 years old, Oscar wanted to be a priest, so he went to study at the junior seminary. When his mother was ill, and they needed money for medicine, Oscar left the seminary for three months and worked in the gold mine in Potosí. He earned about 4p a day. In 1937, Oscar went to Rome to study and stayed there during World War II. His father and brother died while he was in Rome. In 1942, Romero was ordained a priest and returned to El Salvador. He became famous for his sermons. He also did a lot of parish work, like visiting prisons, organising catechism classes, and working with others in the Church to provide help and food for the poor. Romero’s compassion for the poor earned him great admiration from many Salvadorans. Romero was made a bishop on 21st June 1970. Violence increased in El Salvador by the mid-1970s as the government and army began killing poor people who stood up for their rights. When the army killed three people in the village of Tres Calles in Romero’s diocese, he comforted the families and wrote to the President to protest about the murders. In 1978, Romero became Archbishop of San Salvador, the capital of El Salvador. Some rich people were happy because they thought he would stop priests from helping the poor to stand up for their basic rights. But a few weeks later, his friend Fr Rutilio Grande was shot and killed, along with two companions. The following Sunday, Romero allowed only one Mass in the whole diocese - at the Cathedral - where he spoke out against the murders. From 1978-1980, as the violence in El Salvador continued, Romero continued to speak out. Every Sunday, his sermon was broadcast by radio. The whole country listened. Romero’s life was often threatened. In his sermon on 23rd March, Romero ordered the army to stop killing people: “In the name of God, and in the name of this suffering people whose cries rise to heaven more loudly each day, I beg you, I implore you, I order you, in the name of God, stop the repression!” The next day, a shot killed Romero as he said Mass. A UN report later found that Major Roberto D’Aubuisson had ordered Romero’s death. Thousands came to the funeral. The army fired into the crowd. Thirty people died, and hundreds were injured. The civil war in El Salvador continued until 1992. His canonisation took place on 14 October 2018 in Rome. St. Oscar Romero, pray for us. St. Thérèse of Lisieux Feast day: 1st October The Patron Saints of Missions and Florists. Saint Thérèse of Lisieux is regarded as a Doctor of the Catholic Church, which means that her life and writings are considered particularly important for Catholics. She is also called the ‘Little Flower of Jesus.’ Marie-Françoise-Thérèse Martin was born on 2nd January 1873, in Alençon, France, the youngest daughter of a watchmaker and a lacemaker. After her mother died in 1877, Thérèse moved with her family to Lisieux, where older sisters and an aunt raised her. Thérèse’s strong faith developed early in her home's deeply religious atmosphere. At the age of 14, she requested admission to the Carmelite convent at Lisieux with two of her sisters but was refused because she was too young. On a pilgrimage to Italy in late 1887, she asked the Holy Father to be allowed to enter the convent during an audience with Pope Leo XIII. Eventually, permission was granted, and in April 1888, she entered the Carmel. Her romantic ideas of convent life and suffering soon met up with reality in a way she had never expected. When her father suffered a stroke, he was physically and mentally affected and was admitted to an asylum. Unfortunately, as a nun in the convent, Thérèse was not allowed to leave to visit him, which troubled her greatly. Thérèse knew that as a Carmelite nun, she would never be able to perform great deeds. However, she took every chance to sacrifice, no matter how small it would seem. She smiled at the sisters she didn't like. She ate everything she was given without complaining, so she was often given the worst leftovers. She was once accused of breaking a vase when she was not at fault. Instead of arguing, she sank to her knees and begged forgiveness. Thérèse continued worrying about how she could achieve holiness in her life. She didn't want just to be good; she wanted to be a saint. Then in 1896, Thérèse coughed up blood. She kept working without telling anyone until she became so sick a year later that everyone knew it. Worst of all, she had lost her joy and confidence and felt she would die young without leaving anything behind. Her sister Pauline had already had her writing down her memories in a journal so they would have something to share about her life after her death. Her pain was so great, but she tried to remain smiling and cheerful - and succeeded so well that some thought she was only pretending to be ill. Her one dream was the work she would do after her death, helping those on Earth. "Upon my death, I will let fall a shower of roses; I wish to spend my heaven in doing good upon the Earth." She died on 30th September 1897, at 24 years old tuberculosis. Mother Teresa chose her name in honour of her. St. Thérèse of Lisieux, pray for us. St. Paul Feast day: 29th June The Patron Saint of the Missionaries, Writers, Journalists, Authors, Public workers, Rope and Saddle Makers, and Tent Makers. ​ After Jesus Christ, St. Paul is often considered the most important person in the history of Christianity. He was one of the leaders of the first Christians. Paul’s life and his writings make up 13 of the 27 books of the New Testament in the Bible. His most significant impact on Christian history comes from the letters he wrote. They played a significant role in the development of Christian beliefs. Paul was given the name Saul at birth in about 4-5 AD in what is now Turkey. He was Jewish and initially persecuted the followers of Jesus. He travelled to synagogues and suggested that any Jew who accepted Jesus as the Messiah (saviour of the Jews) be punished. The story of Saul’s conversion to Christianity is a popular Christian story. He was travelling to Damascus when a bright light shone on him, and Jesus spoke to him. After this experience, he was convinced that Jesus was the Messiah. From that day on, he used the name Paul. After his conversion, Paul went to Jerusalem to meet Peter, chief of Jesus’ apostles, to learn how Jesus had lived. Paul then became one of the greatest missionaries of all time. For the next 20 years, he established churches in Asia Minor and Europe. As a result of Paul’s work, Christianity soon became a worldwide religion. Paul returned to Jerusalem in the late 50s. He was arrested for bringing non-Jews into the Temple. After a series of trials, he was sent to Rome. He was held in Rome for two years. It is unknown how Paul died, but it is believed that Emperor Nero had Paul beheaded between 64 and 67 AD. Paul believed his purpose was to preach to and convert Gentiles (people who were not Jewish) to Christianity. His greatest impact on Christian history comes from the letters he wrote. His thoughts on Jesus, Jewish law, and the relationship between God and Jesus were the foundation for the development of Christianity. He shares his feast day on 29th June with St. Peter. St. Paul, pray for us. St. John the Beloved ​Feast day: 27th December The Patron Saint of Authors, Booksellers, Burn Victims, Art Dealers, Editors, Friendships, Government Officials, Notaries, Printers, Scholars, Tanners, Theologians and more. ​​ According to the New Testament, John the Apostle (c.AD 6-100) was one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus. Generally, he is listed as the youngest apostle. His brother was James, who was another of the Twelve Apostles. He is sometimes referred to as John the Evangelist, John of Patmos, John the Elder and the Beloved Disciple. Church tradition has held that John is the author of the Gospel of John and five other books of the New Testament — the three Epistles of John and the Book of Revelation. In the Gospel of John, the phrase "the disciple whom Jesus loved" or "the Beloved Disciple" is used five times but not in any other New Testament accounts of Jesus. John the Apostle was the son of Zebedee and the younger brother of James, son of Zebedee (James the Greater). Their mother was Salome. Zebedee and his sons fished in the Sea of Galilee. The brothers were the first disciples of John the Baptist. Jesus then called Peter, Andrew and these two sons of Zebedee to follow him. James and John are listed among the Twelve Apostles. Jesus referred to the pair as "Boanerges" (translated as "sons of thunder") because although their nature was calm and gentle, when their patience was pushed to its limits, their anger became wild and thunderous, causing them to speak out like an untamed storm. A gospel story relates how the brothers wanted to call down heavenly fire on a Samaritan town, but Jesus refused them. John lived for more than half a century following the martyrdom of his brother James, the first Apostle to die a martyr's death. John was the only one of the Twelve Apostles who did not forsake Jesus in the hour of His Passion. He stood faithfully at the cross when the Saviour made him His Mother’s guardian. It is traditionally believed that John was the youngest of the apostles and outlived them. He is said to have lived to an old age, dying at Ephesus sometime after AD 98. John's traditional tomb is thought to be located at Selçuk, a small town in the vicinity of Ephesus. St. John is the patron saint of love, loyalty, friendships, and authors. He is often depicted in art as the author of the Gospel with an eagle, symbolising "the height he rose to in his gospel." In other icons, he is shown looking up into heaven and dictating his Gospel to his disciple. St. John the Beloved, pray for us. Maximilian Kolbe Feast day: 14th August The Patron Saint of Amateur Radio Operators, Political Prisoners, Families, Journalists, and Prisoners. Maximilian Kolbe was born Raymund Kolbe on 8th January 1894 in Poland. His life was strongly influenced by a vision he had of the Virgin Mary when he was 12 years old. As a priest, Kolbe worked to convert sinners and enemies of the church. He travelled around Poland, promoting Mary and set up a religious printing press. Later, he founded monasteries in Japan and India. Kolbe returned to Poland in 1936 due to his poor health. When World War II broke out, he was one of the only Franciscans to stay in the monastery and opened up a hospital for those injured. He also provided shelter for refugees. Kolbe refused to sign paperwork that he would be recognised as a German citizen, and when the monastery was shut down, he was arrested. After 2 months in the concentration camp at Auschwitz, some men were chosen to be starved to death. Kolbe was not one of them, but he took the place of a man with a family. After 2 weeks, he was the last person still alive and was given a lethal injection. It is said that he calmly raised his arm and awaited death. On 10 October 1982, Pope John Paul II canonised Kolbe and declared him a martyr of charity. John Paul II declared him "the patron of our difficult century". Maximilian Kolbe, pray for us. Carlo Acutis ​ Feast Day: 12th October The Patron Saint of Youth Computer Programmers. Born in London (3 May 1991) and raised in Milan, Carlo’s wealthy parents were not particularly religious. Upon receiving his first communion at age seven, Carlo became a frequent communicant, making a point of praying before the Tabernacle before or after every Mass. In addition to Francis of Assisi, Carlo took several of the younger saints as his models, including Bernadette Soubirous, Jacinta and Francisco Marto, and Dominic Savio. At school, Carlo tried to comfort friends whose parents were undergoing a divorce, as well as stepping in to defend disabled students from bullies. After school hours, he volunteered with the city’s homeless and destitute. Carlo spent four years creating a website dedicated to cataloguing every reported Eucharistic miracle worldwide. He also enjoyed films, comics, soccer, and playing popular video games. Diagnosed with leukaemia, Carlo offered his sufferings to God for the intentions of the sitting pope—Benedict XVI—and the entire Church. His longtime desire to visit as many sites of Eucharistic miracles as possible was cut short by his illness. Carlo died in 2006 and was beatified in 2020. He was noted for his cheerfulness, computer skills, and deep devotion to the Eucharist, which became a core theme of his life. Carlos Acutis, pray for us.

  • Reading | St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School

    Reading At Saint Bernadette’s, we recognise that being part of a child’s early reading journey is a privilege. We as staff understand that we are teaching and building a skill that our pupils will rely upon day after day throughout their lifetime. We encourage our children to view reading as a gift, a gateway to worlds that are different to theirs, a source of knowledge and empowerment. ​ The Five Plagues ​ From Nursery to Year 6, children study the 'Five Plagues' in whole class reading sessions. These five plagues represent five different challenges presented in literature: Archaic texts (stories written in older language) Non-linear time sequence (books which treat time in an unusual way) Complexity of the narrator (stories which are challenging because of the narration) Complexity of story (books with a challenging plot) Resistance texts (texts which are written to be deliberately difficult to understand) We believe a steady exposure to these different challenges will help to prepare our pupils as life-long readers. Reading tricky texts provides our students with a toolkit for future reading. Within these lessons, children will also explore a range of non-fiction texts; develop their understanding of new and challenging vocabulary; listen to their teacher's 'thoughts' as they read and improve their fluency. Non-Fiction Texts ​ We believe that pairing non-fiction texts with fiction books helps to increase absorption rate of both texts. Children are more likely to remember the non-fiction because they are then applying it within the story they are reading, and they are more likely to understand the story because they then have the non-fiction background. Across the school, children are given the opportunity to explore a wide variety of non-fiction texts in conjunction with their plague text on topics such as: asthma, bullying, dementia, refugees, deaf awareness, and the holocaust. They also explore non-fiction texts and poems which link to the science, history and geography curricula. Reading Culture ​ Reading for pleasure is of paramount importance and we work hard to ensure that all pupils develop a love of reading. We publish Book of the Month recommendations; have reading challenges within every year band; create links with authors, through visits and video calls; share a reading newsletter monthly with parents; have timetabled story sessions throughout the school and build a reading community through constant book talk. Reading at Home ​ It is vitally important that children are heard read every night at home. We recommend that parents work with their children for at least twenty minutes a day on their reading. Research states that children who are heard read at home for this length of time will hear 1,800,000 words per year and will, on average, fall in the 90th percentile. Reading at home may involve your child reading to you or you reading part of a story to them. This could involve sharing a book or reading a magazine or newspaper. Try to promote book talk as much as possible in the home. Accelerated Reader ​ We use the Accelerated Reader system as our home-school reading system for Key Stage 2. Children will complete a 'Star Assessment' termly and are given a ZPD score. Books in our school library are organised by ZPD and pupils may choose their own books from the selection within this range. When they have finished a book, children take a quiz to see if they have thoroughly read and understood it. Passing these quizzes gives them points and they can get certificates based on their reading achievement. Accelerated Reader: Parents Guide Reading: About Us Phonics ​ We begin this journey with RWInc phonics and the teaching of letter sounds. Staff teach children to use their knowledge of sounds to decode and blend words enabling children to access phonically matched reading books from the RWInc programme. We develop the children’s love of stories, poems and other genres through daily story sessions and book talk. It is through book talk that we develop the children’s comprehension skills in their EYFS years before they move onto written comprehension tasks in KS1. Through the combination of learning to read with RWInc phonics and listening to and discussing a range of stories, above a level that can be independently read, we aim to foster a love and enjoyment of reading in our pupils. Comprehension ​ At St Bernadette’s School we adopt a strategy based approach whereby pupils are exposed to a variety of texts, question types and are taught strategies (tips) to support them to fully comprehend challenging texts. ​ What is the two-week cycle? In week one pupils read the text and focus on identifying any links to the text, retrieving information from the text, clarifying new vocabulary as well as summarising the text. In week one pupils are also taught how to make sensible predictions based on prior knowledge. ​ How do we ensure reading is an active process? Before reading the text, pupils are set a challenge so that they read the text with intent and are actively engaged throughout. What happens during the reading process? Strategies for following the text are modelled by the teacher -for example pupils may be encouraged to follow the text with their reading finger. A variety of approaches are used to read the text and these include the teacher reading the text aloud, pupils filling in word-gaps as the teacher reads as well as independent reading. At St Bernadette’s School we stop at key points in the text and encourage pupils to think aloud. During this process, they may consider how a character is feeling or they may even make a sensible prediction about what may happen next. ​ After reading, pupils summarise the text . This is a key skill. Once pupils have been submerged in the text, we model how to be selective and retell the text in our own words –sequencing the events as they occurred. ​ Did you know 1/5 of the 2018 paper tested vocabulary? After reading we return to the words pupils may have been puzzled by and clarify their meaning. We teach the pupils how to methodically skim and scan for key words or phrases and give them strategies to make this process efficient. We model how each question starter gives the reader a hint as to the response required. Pupils are encouraged to circle the key word in the question and other key words so they carry the information in their head. ​ Pupils are exposed to all the question types. We ensure that pupils are presented with questions in different formats so they become increasingly familiar with the many question styles. Our role is not only to expose them to all the question types but to give them strategies to answer each question type, ensuring that they annotate the text first Once the pupils are familiar with the text it means that in week two they can dig deep and be text detectives (they realise the answers are not explicitly in the text) and infer information. This mind set means they grasp inference and are quite excited about the challenges ahead. In addition, pupils consider how the text is organised and discuss why the author has used certain language choices and their effect. ​ Assessment to inform planning. During the two-week cycle, key objectives are assessed and should the need arise pupils will have a drill down lesson whereby they close the gap in a specific area to ensure the skill or strategy is secure before moving on. ​ Book of the Month Top 20 Lists Reading Newsletter Reading Tips for Parents We ask that parents listen to their children read every night at home. With the younger children, this will help them to improve their word recognition, therefore building up their sight vocabulary and fluency. However, for those children who are fluent readers, parents should concentrate on developing their child’s understanding of the text. It may not be necessary to listen to fluent readers every night, but instead to question them about the text that they have read. Reading with children and helping them practice specific reading strategies can dramatically improve their ability to comprehend. We have included a number of questions that parents can use with their children to develop their comprehension skills. It is not expected that parents cover all of these questions every night, but rather that they concentrate on two or three questions each day. KS2 Parent Reading Leaflet: Click image to download School Library The school follows the Read Write Inc Phonics, which teaches children to ‘learn to read’ so they can then ‘read to learn’. In the summer term, children in our Nursery are introduced to letter sounds and throughout the Reception year and KS1, they are exposed to new sounds until they are confident identifying all 44 phonemes. Parents can support their children throughout the scheme by reading with their children every night and revising their speed sounds on a regular basis (link to speed sounds and pronunciation ). As children become more confident in recognizing the sounds they will begin to blend the sounds to form real words and nonsense words. The link attached illustrates a range of real and nonsense words for each of the set 2 and set 3 sounds. These are useful charts which will encourage children to use their phonic knowledge to decode a variety of words. Phonics Set 2 Sounds Quick Read 'oy' Quick Read 'ow' Quick Read 'ou' Quick Read 'or' Quick Read 'igh' Quick Read 'ee' Quick Read 'ir' Quick Read 'oo' as in zoo Quick Read 'oo' as in look Quick Read 'ay' Quick Read 'air' Quick Read 'ar' Anchor 1 Set 3 Sounds Quick Read 'ur' Quick Read 'u-e' Quick Read 'tious' Quick Read 'tion' Quick Read 'ow' Quick Read 'oi' Quick Read 'o-e' Quick Read 'cious' Quick Read 'ea' Quick Read 'ear' Quick Read 'er' Quick Read 'ew' Quick Read 'i-e' Quick Read 'ire' Quick Read 'oa' Quick Read 'aw' Quick Read 'ai' Quick Read 'ure' Quick Read 'are' Quick Read 'a-e' Children are encouraged to progress through the scheme at a rapid rate. They will not necessarily need to cover every book in the scheme, and may be capable of accelerating through the scheme if they demonstrate a sound knowledge of words. In every year band, children are set according to ability and assessments are conducted every 6-8 weeks. As a result of these assessments, children may move up or down into a new setting group. An example of the assessment is here . The national phonic test is administered to pupils in Year 1 in June. On average, pupils need to be able to read 32 of the 40 words in order to pass the test. If they are able to read all set 1,2,3 sounds, they are likely to pass the test. If they score below 32, they will need to repeat the test in Year 2.

  • Online Safety | St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School

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  • Mini Vinnies | St Bernadette's Cath

    Mini Vinnies At St. Bernadette’s we are developing a dedicated team of Mini Vinnies. Mini Vinnies are 7 to 11 year olds based in schools and parishes across England and Wales, and in several countries across the world. They come together to form part of the St. Vincent de Paul Society England and Wales, a voluntary organization dedicated to tackling poverty in all its forms. The role of the Mini Vinnies is to help to be the religious and spiritual voice of the school. Years 3-6 are represented and members of the group demonstrate how they are filled with God’s love by their willingness to help others, as they put their faith into action. The group meets on a regular basis to pray, discuss concerns they may have and plan events to help live out the group’s motto of ‘Turning Concern into Action’. As Mini Vinnies, they embrace the three key points to: ‘see’, ‘think’ and ‘do’. Mini Vinnies are seen as having, ‘the potential to significantly contribute to the future of our Society’. This aim also fits in perfectly with the key principles of Catholic Social Teaching. The Mini Vinnie Prayer Lord, thank you for our gifts and talents. Lord, show us who needs our help. Lord, use our hands to help those who are hungry. Lord, open our hearts to love and comfort those who are sad and lonely. Lord, let us share our time, gifts and talents with those in need. Lord, help us care for the sick. Lord, may we all help and support each other as Mini Vinnies to build a better world. Amen Fundraising During Lent the Mini Vinnies held a cake sale for Father Hudson's Good Shepherd Appeal and raised an amazing £325 in one day! Together with the money from the cake sale and the generous donations in the Good Shepherd boxes, we raised £728.50 for Fr Hudson’s Care. Some of our Mini Vinnies will be representing our school at the annual Good Shepherd Mass held at St Chad’s Cathedral. The Mini Vinnies team are looking forward to organising more fun events to make a difference!

  • Who's Who: Staff | St Bernadette's Cath

    Miss Cowings – Head Teacher Mr Carroll – Deputy Head / Pastoral Faculty Leader Miss Finnegan – Assistant Head / Science Faculty Miss A Hulse– SENCO ​ ​ Miss Z Boron - 6ZB Teacher Mrs K Harston – 6KH Teacher / Maths Co-ordinator Mrs L Canning - 6LC Teacher Mrs M Kerrigan – Year 6 Teaching Assistant ​ Mrs C Brownhill – 5CB Teacher Ms F Mohamed - 5FM Teacher Miss C Grant - 5CG Teacher / MFL Co-ordinator Mr E Baker - Year 5 Teacher / PPA Mrs McCartan – Year 5 Teaching Assistant ​ ​ Miss K Lakin – 4KL Teacher / English Co-ordinator KS2 Mr A Markham-Jones – 4AMJ Teacher / PE Co-ordinator Mr R Wayne - 4RW Teacher / Topic Co-ordinator Mrs Yakoob - Year 4 Teaching Assistant ​ ​ Miss E GIbbs - 3EG Teacher Miss C Manders - 3CM Teacher / ICT Co-ordinator Miss O Bowden – 3OB Teacher Mrs Colclough – Year 3 Teaching Assistant Ms Baker – Year 3 Teaching Assistant ​ Ms Corkery – Year 3 Teacher ​ Mrs Docker – Support Teacher Ms Ryan - Teacher Mr E Baker - Teacher Mrs Lennon - Teacher ​ Mrs S Hussain - 2SH Teacher Mrs E Hill - 2EH / RE Co-ordinator Miss E Oldham - 2EO Teacher Mrs S Richards– Year 2 Teaching Assistant Mrs J Robinson – Year 2 Teaching Assistant ​ Miss O’Toole – 1CO'T Teacher / English Co-ordinator KS1 Miss A Shally - 1AS Teacher Mrs Clarke – Year 1 Teaching Assistant Mrs Begum – Year 1 Teaching Assistant ​ Mrs Jones – RSJ Reception Teacher / EYFS Co-ordinator Miss C Belcher - RCB Reception Teacher Miss L Coley - RLC Reception Teacher Ms T O'Neil – RLC Reception Teaching Assistant Ms O’Brien – RSJ Teaching Assistant ​ Miss B White - SEN Teaching Assistant Mrs J Lewis – SEN Support ​ Miss S Deards - Nursery Teacher Miss E Barron – Nursery Teaching Assistant Mrs S Buchanan - Nursery Teaching Assistant Mrs A Robbins - Nursery Teaching Assistant ​ Mrs Shalvey – Learning Mentor / PSA Mrs Payne – Learning Mentor ​ Mrs Smallwood – Office Mrs Byng – Office Miss K O'Neil – Office ​ ​ Mrs Apted – Technician Mr Abbott – ICT Operations Manager Mr Malone – Building Site Supervisor Mrs Worth - School Cook ​ St. Bernadette's Staff Our Favourite Books EYFS Miss Deards Nursery Teacher My favourite book is The Last Bear by Hannah Gold Mrs Buchanan Nursery Teaching Assistant I’ve always loved this book, it allows me to unlock core memories of being a child reading this book with my family. Rereading ‘The Twits’ now, I am reminded that there is also a lesson in it; how we can overcome our differences and achieve common goals by being kind to one another. Mrs Robbins Nursery Teaching Assistant My favourite children's book at the moment is 'Oi Frog', by Kes Gray and Jim Field. I love that each animal's designated seat rhymes with their name. Miss Barron Nursery Teaching Assistant As a child I enjoyed that Lewis Carroll was able to create a colourful and wacky world that invited you to use your imagination. As an adult I enjoy it even more now that I can read it and feel like a child again diving into a world of discovery where normal rules do not apply. Mrs O'Brien Reception Teaching Assistant My favourite story book to read in Nursery is, Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson. The story is fast paced with a great structured repeated refrain. I love the build up to the scary Dragon wanting to eat the Witch and how everyone works together to save the day! Mrs Jones Reception Teacher My favourite book is 'The Twits' by Roald Dahl Miss Belcher Reception Teacher My favourite book is 'The Tiger Who Came to Tea' by Judith Kerr Mrs Lewis Reception Teaching Assistant My favourite book is 'Stick Man' by Julia Donaldson Mrs ONeill Reception Teaching Assistant My favourite book is 'Stick Man' by Julia Donaldson Miss Baker Year 3 Teaching Assistant My favourite book is 'Fantastic Mr Fox' by Roald Dahl KS1 Miss Shally Year 1 Teacher My favourite book is 'The Elephant Detectives' by Ged Adamson Miss O'Toole Year 1 Teacher My favourite book is 'Matilda' by Roald Dahl Mrs Clarke Year 1 Teaching Assistant My favourite book as a child was The Tale of Peter Rabbit . I used to love reading about Peter's adventures and would imagine that I was actually one of Peter's friends, helping him when he got into mischief Mrs Begum Year 1 Teaching Assistant My favourite book is 'Elmer' by David M'Kee Mrs Robinson Year 2 Teaching Assistant My favourite book as a child was The Enchanted wood by Enid Blyton. A wonderful book full of amazing characters, and adventures. Mrs Hussain Year 2 Teacher The Missing Piece by Jordan Stephens and Beth Suzanna. It's a lovely book about belonging and finding what makes you really happy. It has diverse characters in the illustrations and is wonderful as it allows some children to see themselves in literature. KS2 Miss Bowden Year 3 Teacher My favourite book is Matilda by Roald Dahl. Mrs Hill Year 2 Teacher My favourite books as a child were the Famous Five series. I liked all of the adventure and mystery that the children and their dog Timmy had. I still enjoy reading mystery and adventure stories now. Miss Manders Year 3 Teacher My favourite book is 'The Magic Faraway Tree' by Enid Blyton Mrs Colclough Year 3 Teaching Assistant My favourite book is 'The Shark Caller' by Zillah Bethell Miss Gibbs Year 3 Teacher My favourite book as a child was Charlotte’s web. It tells the tale of a budding friendship between two unlikely characters. I enjoyed reading this book as a child as I loved seeing how these two very different characters became friends. There are some sad parts to the story but it includes many joyful examples of great friendship and even a small touch of adventure. Mr Wayne Year 4 Teacher Harry Potter has always been a fascination. You could be sat in a park, and you could transport yourself to a world of magic and wonder. Take a trip to the Gryffindor common room, roam around the Hogwarts grounds or explore the ominous forbidden forest- the possibilities are endless. The characters are relatable as they progress from child to young adult, and this can resonate with everyone as they grow up. Astonishingly, the idea that J K Rowling created her magical world on the back of napkins, on the way to meetings and in coffee shops makes it even more spontaneous and special. I think everyone single one of us can see ourselves in the Harry Potter characters. Sometimes a trip into a fantasy world can be the perfect remedy for a bad day. Mrs Brownhill Year 5 Teacher One of my favourite books as a child was Esio Trot by Roald Dahl. I loved Mr. Hoppy, how much he adored Mrs Silver and thought his magic spell to make Alfie the tortoise 'grow' was so silly that it actually was genius! Mr Baker Year 5 Teacher My favourite book is 'The Hobbit' by J.R.R. Tolkein Miss Grant Year 5 Teacher My favourite book is 'A LIon in Paris' by Beatrice Alemagna Mrs McCartan Year 5 Teaching Assistant My favourite book is 'The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe' by C.S. Lewis Miss Boron Year 6 Teacher My favourite book is 'The Lord of the Rings' by J.R.R. Tolkein Mr Markham-Jones Year 4 Teacher My favourite book is 'The Twits' by Roald Dahl Miss Lakin Year 4 Teacher A book I first discovered with my Y6 class and would now consider to be one of my favourite children's books is Refugee by Alan Gratz. This historical fiction features three stories in one, following the lives of three refugee children in three different geographic locations and points in time. All main characters go on harrowing journeys in search of refugee with a twist at the end that took me completely by surprise! This is a must read for older children and there is always a copy on the bookshelf in my classroom. Mrs Ryan PPA Teacher My favourite book is 'When I See Blue' by Lily Bailey Mrs Ryan PPA Teacher My favourite book is 'When I See Blue' by Lily Bailey Mrs Docker PPA Teacher My favourite book is 'Danny The Champion of the World' by Roald Dahl Mrs Lennon PPA Teacher My favourite book is Charlotte's Web by E.B. White. I love it because it tells the tale of an unlikely but ultimately beautiful friendship. SLT Miss Cowings Head Teacher My Favourite book was Black Beauty by Anna Sewell. As a young child I adored horses and would read widely many non fiction books about caring for horses. When I discovered Black Beauty, my emotions were turned upside down, as some chapters made me smile and others made me cry. I would recommend this book to children from the age of 7 years upwards. Mr Carroll Assistant Head Teacher My favourite book is 'The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas' by John Boyn Miss E Finnegan Assistant Head Teacher Take your seat in the front row as this book flips the story of ‘The Three Little Pigs’ on its head! Follow this story as three circus pigs make a wild wolf do all manner of things! This is a story my daughter and I read nearly every night, the illustrations are spectacular and convey wonderful humour and emotions! Miss Hulse SEN Co-ordinator Harmony’s uncle sends her on a treasure hunt. She finds a magical fifty pence coin, which grants seven wishes! What would you wish for?

  • A-Z of Composers | St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School

    A-Z of Composers A-Z of Composers: List Isaac Albéniz Isaac Manuel Francisco Albéniz y, more commonly known as Isaac Albéniz, was born on 29th May 1860 in Camprodon, Catalonia, Spain and died on 18th May 1909 in France. To classical guitarists the world over, he is known for his quintessential Spanish guitar repertoire. My younger brother, who is a professional guitarist himself, has been playing his pieces since childhood. Few realise that he was not actually a guitarist at all, but was in fact a virtuoso pianist, composer, and conductor. He is best known for his piano works often based on Spanish folk music. Despite composing mostly for the piano, it is his transcriptions for guitar that are most well known today – particularly works such as Asturias (Leyenda), Granada, Sevilla, Cadiz, Córdoba, Cataluña, Mallorca, and Tango in D. Johann Sebastian Bach Johann Sebastian Bach was a German composer and musician who was born in March 1685 and died in July 1750. This was a period of musical history known as the Baroque. He is perhaps the most well-known of the famous Bach family of musicians: Johann Christoph Bach (1642–1703), Johann Michael Bach (1648–1694), Maria Barbara Bach (1684–1720), Wilhelm Friedemann Bach (1710–1784), Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (1714–1788) to name just a few. He is known for instrumental compositions such as the Art of Fugue, the Brandenburg Concertos, and the Goldberg Variations, and for vocal music such as the St Matthew Passion and the Mass in B minor. A master of the keyboard, Bach gifted the world such gems as The Well-Tempered Clavier and organ works too numerous to name individually. Since the 19th-century Bach Revival he has been generally regarded as one of the greatest composers of the Western art musical canon. Here are links to some of these great pieces. Mr Baker Sept 2019 Art of Fugue Brandenburg Concertos Goldberg Variations St Matthew Passion Mass in B minor The Well-Tempered Clavier Cello Suites 1 – 6 Air on the G string Chaconne, Partita No. 2 BWV 1004 (violin) Toccata and Fugue in D minor, BWV 565 Cream (Eric Clapton, Ginger Baker & Jack Bruce) The great drummer Ginger Baker died on 6th October this year aged 80 and so it seemed fitting to continue the musical A-Z with the group he was perhaps most famous for being in – Cream. Cream were a British rock band formed in London in 1966. The group consisted of bassist Jack Bruce, guitarist Eric Clapton, and drummer Ginger Baker. Bruce was the main songwriter and vocalist, although Clapton and Baker also sang and contributed songs. Formed from members of previously successful bands, they are widely regarded as the world's first supergroup as each player was considered to a master of their instrument. Their music spanned many genres of rock music, including blues rock, psychedelic rock, and hard rock. In their career, they sold more than 15 million records worldwide. The group's third album, Wheels of Fire (1968), is the world's first platinum-selling double album. In 1993, Cream were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Here are links to three of their more famous songs. Mr Baker Sept 2019 White Room Sunshine of your Love I Feel Free ​ Claude Debussy Claude Debussy was born 22 August 1862 and died aged just 55 on 25 March 1918. He is regarded as one of the greatest French composers of all time. He is sometimes seen as the first Impressionist composer, seeking to paint pictures in the mind of his listeners by the quality of the sounds they hear. Despite being born to a family of modest means and little cultural involvement, Debussy showed enough musical talent to be admitted at the age of ten to France's leading music college, the Conservatoire de Paris. He originally studied the piano, but found his vocation in innovative composition, despite the disapproval of the Conservatoire's conservative professors. Debussy is responsible for some of the most recognisable piano and orchestral music of the twentieth century. He himself was influenced by Russian and far-eastern musical styles and he in his turn was to be a great influence on later composers such as Bartok, Messiaen and George Benjamin. All his music is easy to listen to but here are some links to some of my favourites. Mr Baker January 2020 La Mer La boîte à joujoux Fantaisie for piano and orchestra Prélude à l'après-midi d'un faune Syrinx (for solo flute) Claire de Lune La fille aux cheveux de lin Deux arabesques Children's Corner Sonata for Flute, Viola and Harp Edward Elgar Sir Edward William Elgar was born 2 June 1857 and died 23 February 1934. ​ He was an English composer who many consider to be one of our greatest. Many of his works have entered the British and international classical concert repertoire. Among his best-known compositions are orchestral works including the Enigma Variations (including the world famous ‘Nimrod’ often played during remembrance services), the Pomp and Circumstance Marches (including ‘Land of Hope and Glory’ – played every year at the Last Night of the Proms), concertos for violin and cello, and two symphonies. He also composed choral works, including The Dream of Gerontius (based on a poem by Birmingham’s Saint John Henry Newman and first performed in Birmingham’s Town Hall in the year 1900), chamber music and songs. He was appointed Master of the King's Musick in 1924. Although Elgar is often regarded as a typically English composer, most of his musical influences were not from England but from continental Europe. He felt himself to be an outsider. It is worth noting that this self-taught composer was openly Catholic in a Protestant Britain where his Roman Catholicism was regarded with suspicion in some quarters. He never forgot his humble beginnings even when he became successful and achieved recognition for his music. Elgar has been described as the first composer to take the gramophone and recorded music seriously. Between 1914 and 1925, he conducted a series of acoustic recordings of his works. The introduction of the moving-coil microphone in 1923 made far more accurate sound reproduction possible, and Elgar made new recordings of most of his major orchestral works and excerpts from The Dream of Gerontius. Mr Baker February 2020 Nimrod Enigma Variations (complete) Pomp and Circumstance Marches 1 – 4 Pomp and Circumstance March no 1 (from the proms ) Dream of Gerontius Gabriel Fauré Gabriel Urbain Fauré was born on 12th May 1845 and died on 4th November 1924 in Pamiers, Ariège, in the south of France. He was a composer, organist, pianist and teacher. He was one of the most important French composers of his generation, and his musical style influenced many 20th-century composers such as Ravel. ​ Fauré’s was not an especially musical family, but his talent became clear when he was just a small boy. Aged nine, he was sent to the Ecole Niedermeyer music college in Paris, where he was trained to be a church organist and choirmaster. Among his teachers was Camille Saint-Saëns (himself a famous composer of such works as ‘The Swan’ ), who became a lifelong friend. After graduating from the college in 1865, he made his living as an organist and teacher, leaving him little time for composition, so he didn’t become a successful composer until his middle age years. ​ Towards the end of his life, Fauré was recognised in France as the leading French composer of his day and a national musical tribute was held for him in Paris in 1922. Outside France, Fauré's music took many years to become widely accepted, except in Britain, where his work was greatly admired during his lifetime. Fauré's earlier works are among his most accessible and below are some YouTube links to his more famous pieces Mr Baker August 2020 Pavane Op.50 - Piano Solo Pavane Op.50 – Orchestral Version ​ Sicilienne. ​ Requiem Op. 48 ​ Dolly Suite Op. 56 ​ Cantique de Jean Racine, Op. 11 ​ Après un rêve for cello & piano ​ Percy Grainger Percy Grainger was born on the 8 July 1882 and died on 20 February 1961. He was an Australian-born composer, arranger and pianist who, in his adult years, lived in America and became an American citizen in 1918. During his career, he played an important role in reviving the public’s interest in British folk music in the early years of the 20th century. It is highly likely that many will be familiar with his piano and orchestral arrangements such as the folk-dance tune "Country Gardens" among others. It is these well-known folk gems and stylistically similar compositions that I will link to here. Mr Baker August 2020 Molly on the Shore ​ Country Gardens ​ Blithe Bells ​ Handel in the Strand ​ Mock Morris ​ Colonial Song ​ Lincolnshire Posy ​ Shepherd's Hey ​ Walking Tune Joe Hisaishi With Olympics and Paralympics having taken place in Tokyo this year, I thought it would be a good idea to feature a modern Japanese composer this September. ​ Joe Hisaishi was born Mamoru Fujisawa on 6th December 1950 in Nagano – Japan. He is most well known for his film music, especially the classic anime films of Hayao Miyazaki such as Howl’s Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Kiki’s Delivery Service, My Neighbour Totoro and Princess Mononoke among others from the Studio Ghibli company. ​ He started learning the violin and the age of just four and he knew then that music would be central to his life. He also watched about 300 movies a year with his father. These two passions naturally saw him become a film composer after attending the Kunitachi College of Music in 1969 to major in music composition. He enjoyed his first success in 1974 when he composed music for the anime series called Gyatoruzu and he has never looked back. ​ Why does he go by the name Joe Hisaishi when he was born Mamoru Fujisawa? Well it comes down to his admiration for the work of American musician and producer, Quincy Jones. Retranscribed in Japanese, "Quincy Jones" became "Joe Hisaishi". ("Quincy", pronounced "Kuinshī” in Japanese, can be written using the same kanji in "Hisaishi"; "Joe" comes from "Jones".) Below are some links to some of his film music. There is much more to find as he has produced quite a lot! Mr Baker September 2021 ​ From the film – Howl’s Moving Castle Merry-Go-Round of Life ​ From the film – Spirited Away One Summer’s Day ​ From the film – Kiki’s Delivery Service Main Theme ​ From the film – My Neighbour Totoro The Wind Forest ​ From the film – Princess Mononoke Sound-track Suite (1998 version) ​ Other pieces – Asian Dream Song ​ ​ Jacques Ibert Jacques François Antoine Marie Ibert was born on 15th August 1890 and died on 5 February 1962. He was a French composer of classical music. Ibert took to music from a very early age and eventually studied at the Paris Conservatoire where he excelled winning its top prize, the Prix de Rome, at his first attempt- despite his studies being interrupted by his service in World War I. Ibert would go on to pursue a successful composing career, writing several operas, five ballets, incidental music for plays and films, works for piano solo, choral works, and chamber music. He is probably best remembered for his orchestral works including Divertissement (1928) and Escales (1922) – links to these and other works listed below. Mr Baker October 2021 Divertissment ​ Escales ​ ​ Entr’acte (recorder & guitar version – a favourite of mine) ​ ​ Karl Jenkins Sir Karl William Pamp Jenkins CBE, who was born on the 17th of February 1944, is a Welsh multi-instrumentalist and composer, best known for works that include the song "Adiemus" (once used to advertise Delta Airlines), Benedictus and Requiem. Jenkins was educated in music at Cardiff University and the Royal Academy of Music. He joined the jazz-rock band Soft Machine in 1972 and became the group's lead songwriter in 1974. Jenkins continued to work with Soft Machine up to 1984. Jenkins has won the industry prize twice. Something of a musical trademark is his notable use of ‘Vocalise’ where singers sing not words, but sounds. Mr Baker November 2021 Adiemus ​ Song of the Plains ​ Requiem - I. Introit ​ Benedictus (The Armed Man: A Mass for Peace) ​ Requiem - IX. Pie Jesu ​ I'll Make Music ​

  • Pupil Premium | St Bernadette's Cath

    Pupil Premium Pupil premium is funding to improve education outcomes for disadvantaged pupils in schools in England. Evidence shows that disadvantaged children generally face additional challenges in reaching their potential at school and often do not perform as well as other pupils. DFE Guidance Pupil Premium Policy 2021/22 Pupil Premium Strategies

  • Parent Questionnaire | St Bernadette's Cath

    Parent Questionnaire Parent Questionnaire 2024 Results Previous Results Each year we encourage feedback from our parents by asking them to complete an annual questionnaire. These questionnaires give parents the chance to suggest ways in which school can improve as well as letting us know what we are doing well, so that we can continue to provide an enriching, exciting curriculum and learning experience for our pupils. 2021 2022 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

  • Geography | St Bernadette's Cath

    Geography Geography Policy Geography Progression of Skills Knowledge & Skills Year 1 Autumn Year 2 Autumn Year 3 Autumn Year 4 Autumn Year 5 Autumn Year 6 Autumn Year 1 Spring Year 2 Spring Year 3 Spring Year 4 Spring Year 5 Spring Year 6 Spring Year 1 Summer Year 2 Summer Year 3 Summer Year 4 Summer Year 5 Summer


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