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  • Catholic Life | St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School

    Catholic Life As a Catholic School we are always mindful of the teachings of the Church and how we should follow in Jesus’ footsteps. The pupils’ are encouraged to follow the example set by the Saints to do Charity Work in School, in the Parish and the Local Community; through volunteering and supporting peers, fund raising or donating goods and time. Education gives people the grounding they need for life— preparing them for the opportunities, responsibilities, and experiences of later life; helping them achieve positive things and preventing many problems happening later in life. We try to ensure that all pupils have the experiences that will ensure they become valuable and fully rounded members of society who treat others with respect and tolerance, regardless of background. So that they become young people who understand the importance of respect and leave school fully prepared for life in modern Britain. The Charity Work undertaken generally comes under the RE, PHSCE or Enrichment Curriculum umbrella. We have implemented this programme because of relevant legislation. Catholic Life: Support Us The Education Act (2002) Requires all schools to teach a curriculum that is “broadly based, balanced, and meets the needs of pupils.” ​ From this, we must promote the spiritual and vocational, moral, cultural, social, mental and physical development of pupils at school. It requires and looks for children to live ‘full active lives as part of their community’ and into adulthood. ​ It looks for children to feel safe, be happy, fulfil their potential and appreciate others It must promote British Values (‘Prevent’ strategy in 2011.) Teaching British values means providing a curriculum which 'actively promote(s) the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs'. ​ Pupils in each Year band take the main responsibility for Charity Work for one half term per Academic Year. The pupils are encouraged to adopt a Charity of their own choice. Autumn 1 Year 3 Autumn 2 Year 4 Spring 1 Year 1 Spring 2 Year 2 Summer 1 Year 5 Summer 2 Year 6 EYFS (Reception & Nursery) Catholic Life: Text Throughout Autumn 1 and the Summer Term a weekly Charity Enrichment Activity is held which children choose to be part of, where they undertake extra fund raising work for Charities of their choice. During Vocations and Citizenship Day, held annually around May, Yearbands often take a different charitable slant. Often this involves supporting the Homeless found in Birmingham City Centre. The Homeless are also supported at Harvest Time with donations from the Harvest Festival going to the Fireside Centre. There are also whole School Charity initiatives annually in Lent and Advent. The School always gives support to the Diocesan Charity of Father Hudson’s Care and pupils from each Yearband represent the School at the annual Good Shepherd Mass at St Chad’s Cathedral. The focus of the Advent Charity varies. Previous Advent or Academic Year Charity Fund Raising Initiatives have seen the pupils raising money for the Parish Church refurbishments. Each year the School supports Mission Together, an initiative of Pope Francis. ​ The Staff of St Bernadette’s are also heavily involved in Charity Work in many forms. Supporting by donating Raffle Prizes or other goods as needed. Volunteering and giving time to support children and families outside of School. As well as undertaking personal fund raising activities. ​ ​ Read More Catholic Life: Text Vocations ​ It is important that all pupils have a basic understanding that all of us are created in the image and likeness of God and although we are all very different , God loves every one of us no matter what we look like or how different we are. Our curriculum is designed to enable every pupil to reach their full potential and this is achieved through the broad and balanced curriculum on offer and the strong, pastoral support available to all children. Mission Our school mission statement is: At St Bernadette’s catholic School you will find us caring, hardworking and co-operative. We follow the ways of Jesus using our talents and gifts to make our school special. We show respect to all and welcome you. Catholic Life: Support Us Catholic Life: Gallery

  • World Religions | St Bernadette's Cath

    World Religions Throughout their time at St Bernadette’s, all pupils learn about the main religions of the World. During normal curriculum lessons, there are many comparisons made with other religions. However, it is during the annual International Week that the pupils get the opportunity to study a world religion in depth. This usually also includes the opportunity to visit the place of worship of the religion that they are studying. ​ ​ The World Religions that are covered during International Week are as follows: ​ Reception - Christianity Year 1 - Hinduism Year 2 - Buddhism Year 3 - Catholicism Year 4 - Sikhism Year 5 - Judaism Year 6 – Islam

  • Celebrating Our Faith | St Bernadette's Cath

    Celebrating our Faith Throughout the academic year, we celebrate our faith with a number of special events. This academic year we have celebrated the following. Nie ma jeszcze żadnych opublikowanych postów w tym języku Po opublikowaniu postów zobaczysz je tutaj.

  • SEND | St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School

    SEND Policy 2023/24 SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS AND DISABILITY INFORMATION REPORT SEND: Text 2024-2025 Our School “At St Bernadette’s Catholic School, you will find us caring, hardworking and co-operative. We follow the ways of Jesus, using our talents and gifts to make our school special. We show respect to all and welcome you.” At St Bernadette's School, in line with our Catholic ethos, we believe that all our children are individuals and unique. We constantly endeavour to meet the needs of every child in our care. We aim to develop children into confident and resilient learners, to develop a love of learning and to encourage them to explore opportunities to step outside of their comfort zone whilst not neglecting the need to develop wider life skills that they can use to underpin their future development. St Bernadette’s Catholic Primary School currently has 625 children on role (January 2024). There are currently 126 children on SEND register with a range of needs. 15 children have an EHCP and 1 child has a SEND Support Provision Plan. We offer three main levels of support – universal, targeted and specialist. All children with SEND get universal support through high-quality teaching and most will get targeted support. Those children and young people with more complex or severe needs will also have specialist support. If your child needs specialist provision, school staff will usually need to get specialist advice. This kind of support is usually given to children and young people with long-term complex needs and/or disabilities, often with an Education Health and care (EHC) plan. Meet our SENDCO The SENDCO is Miss Hulse. If you would like to contact Miss Hulse, please call the school office on 0121 783 7232 or email Special Educational Needs and Disabilities At St Bernadette’s School, we support children with a variety of differing Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, and we pride ourselves on being a highly inclusive school with an ethos which encourages and celebrates diversity and difference. SEND is categorised into the following areas in the SEN code of practise 2014: Cognition and Learning Communication and Interaction Social, Emotional and Mental Health Sensory and Physical Identifying and Assessing Need When pupils have an identified Special Educational Need or Disability before they join our school, we attempt to work closely with the people who already know them from their previous setting and use the information made available to identify what the possible barriers to learning are so that within our school setting we try to plan appropriate support strategies. At St Bernadette’s School, we work closely as a team and if staff have a concern about a child, staff fill in an SENDCO referral form and discuss concerns with parents. After a half-term of observations and monitoring, we will decide if further support is needed. With your consent, your child will be placed on the SEND register, and we begin to follow the Graduated Response approach of ‘Assess, Plan, Do and Review’. Parents can access these targets and further information about the support their child is receiving online: Some children will be monitored using the Birmingham Audit Continuum; this allows the children working below key stage standards to have small step targets set in lessons to enable them to achieve and begin to work independently. Some children may require more support than is ordinarily available, and we may ask outside agencies to support us in ensuring that we offer the best support we can. Staff can access the Ordinarily Available Guidance (January 2024) to help support children’s learning within the classroom. Our approach to teaching children with SEND At St Bernadette’s School, we offer smaller setting groups with a tailored curriculum and a focus on closing gaps in English and Maths skills in most year groups. Teachers adapt their high-quality teaching to cater for their pupils’ needs and plan individual timetables where necessary. When appropriate, staff are deployed to give children additional interventions in small groups outside the classroom, or to provide one-to-one support. We use the EEF guidance ‘Five-a-day’ and embed the key principles into all our lessons. At St Bernadette’s School, we offer smaller setting groups with a tailored curriculum and a focus on closing gaps in English and Maths skills in most year groups. Teachers adapt their high-quality teaching to cater for their pupils’ needs and plan individual timetables where necessary. When appropriate, staff are deployed to give children additional interventions in small groups outside the classroom, or to provide one-to-one support. We use the EEF guidance ‘Five-a-day’ and embed the key principles into all our lessons. Targeted/Specialist support: Interventions for small groups or individual children for additional Maths support by Teaching Assistants. Buddy systems for support during playtimes, lunchtimes, and class. Provision of specific resources and equipment, e.g. Specially designed chairs and grab rails, if advised by the Physical Difficulties Team (PDSS). Attendance and family support officers who with the families of persistent absentees offer support and guidance. Wellcomm Assessment to focus on Speech and Language Development, and subsequent implementation of support & strategies as required. NESSY Program for KS2 pupils (dyslexia traits). Phonics Groups. Small group reading support in class through guided reading, and individual reading support (Jackanory and Lunchtime Supervisors) Precision Teaching. Support for children with EAL status –Quality First Teaching strategies provided to Teachers (English as an Additional Language) Co-ordinator Miss Bowden. Mrs Payne from the Pastoral Team is available to see some pupils who are a high priority for some 1:1 mentoring work. These services are in extremely high demand and there is often a waiting list to be seen, children are placed on the waiting list in order of priority. Third Space Learning (Maths) intervention. Happy Minds Programme implemented across the school. Gross and fine motor skills interventions. Speech and Language interventions. Sensory Circuits. Play Therapy. We use the Ordinarily Available Guidance produced by the Local Authority to complement our teaching (January 2024). Curriculum adaptations We use a range of strategies across our lessons to ensure we offer an inclusive approach to learning and allow all children to access the classroom environment. We also seek advice and equipment from outside agencies as and when the need arises. Parent Consultations At St Bernadette’s School, we work closely with parents and carers and recognise they have much to contribute to our support for children with SEND. We hold coffee mornings throughout the year where parents can meet up and support each other in a safe environment. During these sessions, we gather parent feedback on the SEND provision at St Bernadette’s School, signpost parents to training courses and support groups and offer opportunities to meet up with outside agencies. For children who have an Education, Health and Care Plan or require specialist support (over and above what is ordinarily available), we will invite you in for further meetings in the year. These meetings celebrate your child’s learning, look at the progress they have made against the targets set, create new targets, and discuss the next steps. During the year, a parental questionnaire is sent to gain views on the school and the SEND provision. Child Consultations Pupils’ views are very important; they have a right to be involved in decisions about their education, and they are made aware of the support that surrounds them in school. Children are fully involved, and their views feed directly into all policies, procedures and daily teaching of children with SEND. Evaluating Provision At St Bernadette’s school, progress is reviewed in senior leadership meetings and with class teachers. The next steps are then discussed. Ideas are shared and discussed in staff meetings to ensure up-to-date research and policy is in place. Children’s individual progress towards their goals is reviewed at regular intervals (three times a year). Children are baselined before receiving interventions and the impact of these interventions are reviewed by the SENCO and staff. Children are asked if they feel the adjustment or intervention is helpful and makes a difference. Annual reviews are held for children with Education Health Care Plans. Staff Training At St Bernadette’s primary, we believe in professional development and aim to ensure all our staff have the understanding they need to enable them to support your child. When a new member of staff joins the school, we ensure they understand the systems within the school and they are given information about the children they are working with. The senior leadership team within the school are constantly moderating needs within the school and, where an area of concern is highlighted, whole school training could be organised to ensure all staff understand specific learning difficulties and appropriate teaching or support strategies that could be utilised. If your child needs specialist support from an outside agency, such as the Speech and Language Service (SALT), Educational Psychologist (EP), Occupational Therapist (OT) or school nurse, we will always discuss this with you first. Some of our staff have completed training in the following areas. When staff go on a course, they have an opportunity to give feedback to the rest of the staff during staff meeting sessions. Transition Support Nursery to Reception ​ We hold a parent and carer session in the summer term for our new reception starters, providing parents with the opportunity to meet with the class teacher and SENDCO. We hold ‘taster’ sessions follow in the second half of the summer term in preparation for their September start. Transition to Reception, and then into each successive year-group, is supported by meetings, information leaflets, and taster sessions in each new class. End-of-Year Transition ​ When children move up a year, the new class teachers hold a welcome meeting for parents. We hold 2 transition sessions during the summer term allowing the children to go up to their new classroom and meet their teacher. Some children may require extra transition visits to their new classroom to help reduce their anxiety and ensure that the transition is successful and positive. Class teachers and TAs meet with each other during the summer term to discuss the needs of the children and share support plans. Secondary Transition ​ We liaise very closely with our partner schools to ensure that the transition from primary school to the secondary school is as smooth as possible. Mid-Year new starters ​ When we are aware that pupils joining us from other settings have identified special educational needs, we arrange a meeting with the family to enable us to gain a greater understanding on the support we need to put in place. Outside Agencies We work with the following agencies to provide support for children with SEND: School Health Advisory Service Behaviour Support Service Pupil and School Support (PSS) - D Smart Communication and Autism Team (CAT) - J Clifford Birmingham Educational Psychology Service (EP) - M Walker Physical Difficulties Support Service (PDSS) – A Begum Hearing Support Team (HS) – C Hasler View the Local Offer website to find out more about the above agencies: Traded Services or NHS Core Services: Speech and Language Therapy (SaLT) – R Rose Occupational Therapy – E Hartland We will ask your permission before we arrange for any outside agencies to come in and work with your child. Once the feedback has been received, we will share this information with you and arrange a meeting. Clubs and Trips All our extra-curricular activities and school visits are available to all our children, including our before and after-school clubs. All children are encouraged to go on our day trips and residential. All children are encouraged to take part in sports day, school competitions, school assemblies and performances, workshops, etc. All children are encouraged to apply for roles of responsibility in school e.g. school council, house group leaders, technical team etc. No child is ever excluded from taking part in these activities because of their SEN or disability. Please read the school’s accessibility plan for further information about the steps we have taken to prevent disabled children from being treated less favourably than other children and the arrangements we have made to help children with SEND access our school. Complaint Procedure Your first point of contact is your child’s class teacher and/or phase leader. If you are not satisfied that your concern has been addressed, then you may make an appointment to speak to the Assistant Heads or Deputy Head Teacher. If they cannot solve your issue, then an appointment can be made to speak to the Headteacher. If you are not happy with the response, then you may contact the governors through the school office. Mr Lenihan – Chair of Governors Mr Carroll – SEND Governor Birmingham Local Offer The Birmingham Local Authority Local Offer can be found at It includes information about the wide range of services available to support all areas of a child’s life (0-25 years), especially those with a Special Educational Need or Disability (SEND). This includes support with education, physical and mental health, social care, leisure activities and moving towards independence and adulthood. Every local authority in England has a duty to provide children and young people (0-25 years) with support if they have Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities - this is known as the Local Offer. Every local authority has to publish what support is available on a website: this is called the Local Offer Website. This Local Offer website gives information about the support the local authority expects to be available across education, health and social care. The information on the website is clear and easy to find. It says who a particular service is for, how to apply, and how decisions are made about who gets that service. SENAR 0121 303 0829 ​ School Health Advisory Service 0121 465 5457 ​ Forward Thinking Birmingham 0121 250 1560 ​ Child Development Centre 0121 465 1582 ​ Birmingham Children’s Trust 0121 303 1888 ​ SEND Information Advice Support Service 0121 303 5004 Feedback ‘I would like to say thank you for all your support in helping X thrive’ (Y2 Parent, 2023). ‘Thank you to you and X for your time and support, it's really appreciated by us all’ (Y4 Parent, 2023).

  • Pastoral Support | St Bernadette's Cath

    Pastoral Support PASTORAL SUPPORT Pastoral Team: Mr Carroll, Miss Hulse, Mrs Shalvey and Mrs Payne. ​ Please take a look at the following websites where you will be able to access support from various organisations if needed. BARNARDO’S – Support for children, young people and families in need. Contact details: , Helpline telephone: 0121-550-5271. SHELTER - Housing advise and homelessness. Contact details: , Telephone helpline number 0300-330-1234 MIND - Adult support for mental health, benefits and housing. Contact details: Birmingham, Telephone 0121-262-3555 Support for key worker practical advice for staying at home taking care of your mental health support for work, benefits, and housing talking to children about coronavirus how to talk to your anxious child or teen about Coronavirus and much more WOMEN’S AID - Provides front line domestic violence and abuse support to women and children in Birmingham and Solihull area. Contact details: Contact telephone number: 0800 800 0028 (freephone helpline)/ 07891 492327 for anyone who would have accessed the drop-in centres. Any women at risk of homelessness as a result of domestic violence and abuse in Birmingham can call the Housing Options HUB. Telephone number: 0800 169 9604 EDWARDS TRUST - Support for Children and Families facing loss and surviving bereavement across the West Midlands. Contact details: Bereavement telephone: 0121-454-1705 CRUSE BEREAVEMENT CARE - Support for Children and Families facing loss and surviving bereavement. Open Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm Contact Telephone number: 0808 808 1677 Email: BIRMINGHAM CHILDREN'S TRUST - COMMUNITY EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY - Offer family telephone support for those living in Solihull - 5 days a week Contact telephone number: 0121 779 1734 Email: How best to look after your own and/or your child mental and emotional wellbeing on a daily basis How to talk with children about COVID - 19 and their worries relayed to it How to support children to engage with learning at home How best to maintain social connections whilst complying with social distancing How to manage behaviour that can be challenging or difficult to manage FOOD BANK VOUCHERS - These can be obtained from school. Your local Children’s Centre will also be able to offer you advice and may sign post you to other appropriate organisations. We also know that lots of children will be over hearing adult conversations, listening to the news, and have access to social media etc. all of which may leave them feeling confused and frightened. Please have a look at these links with your children to help them understand about coronavirus, social distancing and self-isolation as they may benefit from a simple explanation; Further support can also be accessed through: CHILDLINE- 0800 1111 SHOUT 24/7 - free text service for children- text to 85258 CHILDMIND HTTPS://CHILDMIND.ORG/ARTICLE/HOW-MINDFULNESS-CAN-HELP-DURING-COVID-19/ provides simple mindfulness activities to do with children PAUSE - is a drop in mental health and emotional well-being service for under 25s it is currently offering telephone support from 10 am - 6 pm 7 days a week for children and their parents. contact no: 0207 841 4470 email: OUR ROOTS CIC offers free telephone counselling (CBT or talk therapy) Telephone : 0121 439 9045 For support, advice and information in a crisis please contact one of the following: - YOUR GP or out of hours service - SAMARITANS on 116 123 free 24hr support - POLICE -Call 111 (open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year) - SANELINE on 0845 767 8000 (open 4:30 pm – 10:30pm every day) - CALM HELPLINE 0800 58 58 58 open 5pm – Midnight 365 days a year

  • Policies | St Bernadette's Cath

    Policies Attendance 2022-23 Accessibility Plan 2023-26 Anti-Bullying 2022-23 Behaviour Statement 2021-22 Behaviour Policy 2022-23 Breakfast Club British Values & SMSC Charging & Remissions 2022-23 Child Friendly Anti Bullying 2019-2020 Collective Worship Complaints 2023-24 Computing Acceptable Use Policy 23-24 Educational Visits 2021-22 Equality & Diversity 2022-23 Exclusions 2021-22 Food GDPR Data Protection Policy GDPR Privacy Notice Pupils & Their Families Homework Policy 2023-24 Gender Equality 2019-2022 Health & Safety 2023-24 Inclusion 2023-24 Intimate Care Policy 2020-2021 Parent Code of Conduct Online Safety Policy 2023-24 RSE Policy Social, Emotional & Mental Health 22 23 SEND 2023-24 Uncollected Children Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions 22 23 Uniform Policy Sept 2023-2024 Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy 2023-24 Uniform ​ Winter Uniform (September to Easter) ​ Grey straight legged trousers Grey school skirt or pinafore dress Formal white shirt School tie Plain grey/black/white knee or ankle socks Plain grey/black tights Plain black shoes ​ Summer Uniform (Easter to July) as above or ​ Blue gingham dress Grey shorts White polo shirt. PE Clothing Indoor PE Black shorts White round neck Tee shirt Black pumps Outdoor PE Black jogging trousers White round neck tee shirt Grey hooded sweatshirt Black pumps Swimming One piece swimming costume Swimming trunks All school uniform should be clearly labelled. Uniform Policy 23/24

  • Maths | St Bernadette's Cath

    Maths Policies Sequence of Work Bar Modelling Mathematics is a life skill. It helps us to make sense of our world, providing a precise means of communication using numbers, symbols and shapes. It is a powerful, universal language used to explain, predict and represent events and tackle problems in everyday life. At St. Bernadette’s Catholic School, our aim is for the children to Learn to Love, Love to Learn and to develop an ability to solve problems, to reason and think logically, to work systematically and accurately and most importantly to be curious and resilient learners. New mathematical concepts are introduced using the ‘Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract’ (CPA) approach; enabling all children to experience hands-on learning when exploring new concepts. This allows all children to have clear models and images to aid their understanding. Time is devoted, daily, to teach and practise arithmetic and basic maths skills which ensures key mathematical facts and concepts are embedded and children can recall them accurately. ​ ​ Our mathematics curriculum is designed so that it is accessible and engaging for all pupils to maximise their full potential and make rich connections across other areas of the curriculum, preparing them for their future lives and careers. Home Learning Policies Calculations Policy Calculations Policy Guidance Nursery Maths Curriculum Guide Maths Policy 22/23 Sequence of Work Sequence of Work at St. Bernadette’s Catholic School The National Curriculum lies at the heart of Mathematics at St. Bernadette’s. We use the National Curriculum and White Rose to base medium term planning on. The National Curriculum for Mathematics aims to ensure that all pupils: become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, including through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time, so that pupils develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately. reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and generalisations, and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and non-routine problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions. The KS1 and KS2 Curriculum specifies ten strands of mathematics, namely: Number - number and place value Number - addition and subtraction Number - multiplication and division Number - fractions (including decimals and percentages) Ratio and proportion Algebra Measurement Geometry – property of shape Geometry – position and direction Statistics The EYFS curriculum specifies two strands of mathematics: Number Shape, Space and Measures Here you will find our sequence of work for the academic year 2022-23. EYFS EYFS/KS1 KIRFs Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Policies Sequence Bar Modelling ​ Bar modelling is a key element when considering teaching for mastery. An amazing and powerful pictorial representation for revealing the structure and patterns within a maths problem, Bar Modelling promotes profound mathematical understanding and insight. The bar model method draws on the Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract Approach — an essential maths mastery concept. The process begins with pupils exploring problems via concrete objects. Pupils then progress to drawing pictorial diagrams, and then to abstract notations such as the +, -, x and ÷ symbols. Bar modelling is a versatile maths model strategy that can be used across a wide range of concepts and topics. It gives pupils a powerful and adaptable strategy for solving increasingly challenging problems that draws on the Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract approach. ​ Below you will find more information on Bar Modelling for each mathematic concept. Addition & Subtraction Multiplication & Division Algebra Other Problems Fractions Ratio Bar KIRFs (Key Instant Recall Facts) Y3 Spring 1 Y3 Spring 2 Y3 Summer 1 Y3 Summer 2 Y4 Spring 1 Y4 Spring 2 Y4 Summer 1 Y4 Summer 2 Y5 Spring 1 Y5 Spring 2 Y5 Summer 1 Y6 Spring 1 Y6 Spring 2 Y6 Summer 1 Y5 Summer 2 Home

  • Live Simply | St Bernadette's Cath

    We are delighted to announce that St Bernadette’s School has achieved the Live Simply Award, having successfully demonstrated that we are living simply, sustainably and in solidarity with the world’s poorest communities. ​ The assessor stated: ​ It was wonderful to hear how the children were able to relate the actions they have been taking to the principles of Catholic Social Teaching and how we are entrusted to look after God’s world. It was lovely to hear how praying helps them to feel calm, peaceful, safe, happy and grateful. The action you have been undertaking to build links with the Aaran Court care home and with the local parishioners was lovely to hear about and it was clear the children are enjoying interacting with the older generation. It was great to hear about the fundraising you are doing to support young people in Rwanda and how one of the children is now at Manchester university studying engineering. The children were knowledgeable about climate change and how the world’s poorest countries are the most impacted, it was fabulous to hear of the initiatives you are doing to make a difference. It was very interesting to see the difference in energy usage during your “digital down day”. We have decided as a school to pursue the CAFOD Live Simply award. This is an opportunity for us to respond to Pope Francis’ invitation to “work with generosity and tenderness in protecting this world which God has entrusted to us.” To earn this award, we need to show as a school we are living: Simply- how we encourage our families to consume less in our daily lives. Taking the time to be more reflective, prayerful and considerate to others. In solidarity with the poor- being aware that other people might be experiencing difficulties, vulnerabilities, injustice or exclusion. Sustainably with creation- learning ways that can help rebalance our relationship with the environment. Remembering that God gave us this Earth for us to care for. We already do so much as a school to fulfil these objectives, but this year we have planned some special events which we will have a positive impact upon our global, local and school communities. The action plan is as below, some of the highlights are: Engaging with the vulnerable in our local community by writing Christmas cards to older people, inviting them in to watch our Christmas performances. Developing links with our local foodbank by taking collection of food and hygiene items from staff and children to donate regularly. Working towards the Oceans Friendly School Award, making concerted steps to reduce our waste in school and electing members of an eco-team to monitor this. Live Simply Action Plan ​ Food bank collection ​ This Lent we demonstrated how we can be ‘Generous and Grateful’ ‘Compassionate and Loving’ by inviting parents/carers to donate to a food bank that Mrs Buchannon had heard about The food bank is run by Teresa at the back of her café called Lily’s Tea Parlour. Every Friday a collection bin was placed at the Nursery and the gates at the front of school, with a list of items that were most needed. Mrs O’Brien, Mrs Robbins and Mrs Bchannon looked after the Nursery collection and Mr Wayne collected in the donations from the gate. Our parents/carers were extremely generous in donating plenty of items and these were then picked up by Teresa and given out to members of the community in need. We would like to give our thanks to all who felt that they could spare some provisions, especially at this time when costs of our own food and provisions is rising. Living in Solidarity We have been demonstrating our virtues of ‘Compassionate and Loving’, and ‘Generous and Grateful’ by inviting residents of Aran Court to our seasonal celebrations this year. On Wednesday 7th December 2023, we had extra members in the audience for the Christmas Performance of ‘Born in a barn’. The ladies and men really enjoyed their performances as can be seen below in the tweets and photos on the day. They loved getting to meet the cast of the play and our children were delighted to be able to get to chat to them in their costumes. ​ The Wellbeing staff, Katie and Sharon sent us this lovely message when they got back to the home. We also had Year 4 making Christmas cards for the 80 residents of the home. ​ "We had a lovely afternoon, thank you very much for inviting us. We felt very welcome in your school and your children were so well behaved too. Thank you for our refreshments - the ladies love a good cuppa!" ​ When reception held their Easter Bonnet Parade on 29th March 2023, we invited the Aran Court residents in to watch the children proudly displaying their beautiful bonnets. Nursery and Reception were delighted to have an extra special audience. After the parade we invited our visitors to have tea and biscuits. As can be seen below they really entered into the spirit of the day and came with their own beautiful bonnets! Sharon and Katie who are staff members of Aran Court are pictured here having a well-earned cup of tea. They have always been delighted to join us in our celebrations. Our visitors also took a tour around our Easter egg competition entries and were really impressed with the effort put in to making the Religious Stories entries. We are also inviting the residents for an afternoon tea on Friday 26th May 2023 as this is our Vocations Day for the whole school. We will have some Mini Vinnies attending this tea, having a chat with them to find out more about their previous life, where they worked and just getting to know them better. Check back here soon for how this goes! ​ ​ Waste Management ​ Results from the parent/carer environmental survey Many thanks for the replies to the environmental survey we sent out recently. We had 85 replies and this shows that there is an awareness and care for our local and world environment within our community. Below is a pie chart demonstrating how you consider single-use plastic when out shopping. ​ Living Sustainably This shows there is a care towards using less but we all know sometimes the most convenient solution can be heavily plastic based eg, apples in a plastic wrapper or milk in plastic bottles. ​ The pie chart above shows that it has sometimes been a decision for you to walk/take public transport instead of using the car. This shows you consider the effect of pollution on the air we breathe, and the cost of petrol makes this decision make sense. When asked what concerns you where you live 43 out of 85 people said litter/flytipping/waste management. It is all our responsibility to ensure we reduce our waste. When asked what your concerns were for the global environment some people said pollution. Some said plastic waste, others mentioned global warming/climate change. Our children are so environmentally aware and knew that we needed to do something as a school community about the plastic we dispose of. Although great efforts were made in our classrooms to recycle paper and card we did not have a dedicated recycling system in place for plastics. That all changed this academic year. Special plastic recycling bins were ordered and installed at key places within school. These were clearly labelled with the items which could be recycled within them. The Eco-wardens check the bins in their particular zone weekly and when these are full help Mrs Lennon empty these into the larger plastics bin for refuse workers to collect. Through the work we are doing for our Live simply award, the Eco-wardens and the Earth Ambassadors are all working together to help make our school more environmentally aware. We are grateful for your support to your children achieving this aim. Digital Down Day You may remember that on Monday 20th March, children and staff participated in Digital Down Day. During this day, teachers taught their lessons without laptops and interactive whiteboards, the staff in the kitchen switched off the ovens and served cold lunches and children arrived in bright clothing to light up our classrooms since the lights were switched off. We were so impressed with how this day was embraced by children, parents and staff members. We wished to highlight how making small changes to our everyday routines could have a massive impact upon our energy consumption and thus our impact upon the environment. The charts below show our electricity usage during the month of March. You can clearly see our reduced electricity usage on the 20th March, which was very similar to Friday 10th March – a snow day, where no children and a limited number of staff were in school. We are so proud, thank you for your support. The Eco-team

  • Collective Worship | St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School

    Collective Worship Collective Worship Policy At St Bernadette’s Catholic School, the children participate in communal acts of prayer and /or liturgical celebrations every day. Sometimes this will be in class prayer, other times it may involve children in the year band joining together in prayer or it may be in a key stage assembly or a whole school mass. Children are encouraged to learn a selection of traditional prayers in each year band, but are also encouraged to devise their own personal prayers. A list of prayers can be seen here for each year band. Prayers take place at the beginning of the school day, before and after lunch and again at the end of the school day. Every classroom has a focal point for prayer, which is appropriate to the liturgical season. Each classroom is also named after a Saint and the children learn about their saint and the lives they lead. ​ Every year band will prepare a year band mass each month, which is held in school. We also have a key stage mass in school every term and a whole school mass which takes place at Holy Family Church every two to three weeks. Parishioners are invited to celebrate mass with the school and are asked to become prayer partners for children who are receiving the sacraments. The children are able to experience the liturgical Life of the church in many ways throughout the year, such as the Stations of the Cross during Lent, Rosary Club during the months of October and may and a Carol Service at Christmas. They also celebrate their Saint’s feast day and join in Mass, with their Sister school of Holy Family, during Holy Days of obligation. ​ In addition to the children’s prayer life, the staff in school begin every meeting with a prayer. Different members of staff will lead the prayer, providing the staff with the opportunity to reflect on the Gospel Values. One training day every year is set aside for a staff retreat, with staff having had the opportunity to attend a retreat in Lourdes and Fatima in recent years. Father Fretch is our Parish Priest, who is a regular visitor in school. Sister Maura Halpin is also a regular visitor and together they support the children in the sacramental year bands of year 3 and year 6. They also visit the other year bands to support them in their RE lessons and in the preparation of mass. Collective Worship: List

  • British Values | St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School

    Promoting British Values The DfE have reinforced the need “to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.” As a Catholic Primary School we believe that everyone is made and loved by God as unique individuals, made in His image. Our Mission Statement and Catholic ethos embeds the foundations of British values: At St. Bernadette's Catholic School you will find us caring, hardworking and co-operative. We follow the ways of Jesus using our talents and gifts to make our school special. We show respect to all and welcome you. British Values & SMSC Policy British Values: About Us Democracy We encourage our children to actively take part in democratic activities, throughout the school. Each class has an annually democratically elected school councillor, who form part of the School Council which meet regularly throughout the school year. In Year 6, pupils vote for their Head Boy and Girl. These opportunities are used as an avenue to promote and teach about the democracy and electoral process. Children in Key Stage 2 are also given the opportunity to visit the council house in Birmingham and a group of children visit Parliament and Downing Street. Our local MP also visits school and brings their role to life through a question and answer session, annually, with Year 5 and 6 pupils. Democracy is also taught in the curriculum (e.g. through historical research of Ancient Greek civilisation and looking at how Historical figures influenced democracy). Pupils’ opinions are highly valued at St. Bernadette’s School and their views and ideas are sought via their school councillor and through the annual Pupil Questionnaires. The Behaviour Policy identifies both rewards and sanctions, both of which the children and parents (through our Parents’ Forum) have contributed to. There is a strong ethos of pupils volunteering in and out of school time. This includes activities such as Nursery Prefects, school prefects, rabbit prefects, buddy partners. adette's Catholic Primary School. We’ve created a safe and accessible environment where students are encouraged to discuss ideas, collaborate on projects, share their work and receive feedback with pride. We give students the foundation to reach their potential and gain confidence both academically and socially. British Values: Student Life Rule of Law The importance of laws, whether they be those that govern the class, the school, or the country are constantly reinforced at St Bernadette’s. We have high expectations of behaviour in school and this is observed throughout the school. Our behaviour policy reflects our expectations and has been influenced by pupils contributing to our school rules, rewards and sanctions. Pupils have created an Anti-Bullying Charter, displayed in our dining hall. Pupils and parents have suggested rewards such as: behaviour badges, behaviour assemblies, Head Teacher, class and year band certificates, stationery rewards, star pupil and star table. Sanctions include missed play time or missed equipment time. Weekly discussions take place in class regarding behaviour and pupils self-evaluate their own and their peers performance and responsibility throughout the week. British Values: Text Individual Liberty At St Bernadette’s, pupils are actively encouraged to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment. As a school we educate and provide boundaries from where pupils can make informed choices. Pupils are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms and are advised how to do these safely, for example through our e-safety and PSHE lessons, Whether it be through choice of challenge, of how they record work, of participation in our numerous extra-curricular activities clubs and opportunities, pupils are given the freedom to make choices. Children are taught about personal responsibility, choices, ambition and aspirations. They are encouraged to have broad horizons and the opportunities provided include, theatre visits, theatre performances, musical instrument lessons, a rich breadth of PE in and out of the curriculum and art. ​ Our school values its local environment and pupils are given opportunities to explore and visit the local recreation area, Eco Park and playing fields. During these visits road safety, stranger danger and life skills are reinforced. Children are taught the importance of keeping safe and taking responsibility for their safety on line and in reality. They are given opportunities to explore this through annual Life Bus visits, regular ICT teaching, NSPCC assemblies, emergency service visits, visits to Safeside and visits from our school nurse. British Values: Text Mutual Respect Mutual respect is at the heart of our Mission Statement. Children learn that their behaviours have an effect on their own right and the rights of others. All members of the school community treat each other with respect. Pupils are taught to respect their school, adults, peers, other pupils and themselves through our ethos, RE and PSHE curriculum and behaviour policy. Pupils are taught to have morals and will inform staff if they feel there is discrimination evident in school. Our school has strong links with a local school for children with a wide range of learning difficulties, encompassing moderate learning difficulties and increasingly more complex needs including autistic spectrum disorders (ASDs), behavioural issues, sensory impairment and language disorders. We celebrate the breadth of talents and support the needs that our own pupils have and children are encouraged to recognise effort and achievement. British Values: Text Tolerance of those of Different Faiths and Beliefs Pupils demonstrate an understanding and awareness that people in school and our community have different faiths and beliefs to the individual pupil and to the Catholic faith. They understand that these differences are part of our liberty and should not be the cause of prejudice or discriminatory behaviour. We value our local community links and children annually visit a many places of worship. The children, each year, visit at least one place of worship. This has been timetabled so that children will visit a place of worship for each major religion by the time they leave our school. Our school celebrates and recognises many faith festivals and we encourage children and parents from a range of faith and cultural backgrounds to share experiences and knowledge with our children. We encourage our children to interact with children from other schools, through organised activities and events. There are clear procedures and guidance in school for pupils who demonstrate a lack of respect or racist behaviour. British Values: Portfolio

  • Prayer Clubs | St Bernadette's Cath

    Prayer Clubs At our school, our faith journey extends beyond the classroom. Our extra-curricular prayer clubs provide a haven for our pupils to explore and embrace their faith, whilst also promoting a sense of unity. Pupils are encouraged to engage in meaningful discussions and cultivate their religious practices. We understand the importance of nurturing the whole child, and our prayer clubs play a vital role in supporting their emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing. We invite all pupils from EYFS to Year 6, seeking a space for reflection and connection, to participate in these integral extra-curricular prayer clubs. December - Advent During Advent, we have the opportunity to gather as a KS2 family to share ideas about how we can be ready to meet Jesus. This year the children collectively created an Advent Reflection. They reflected on simple steps that they could take in their daily lives and explored how they could carry out our mission. Lent During Lent, we gather together to explore CAFOD’s Lenten calendar to help us journey through Lent. This year our Year 4 pupils reflected on Pope Francis’ Lenten message and began each session by exploring how Jesus speaks to us through the word of God. They explored daily readings and used CAFOD’s online Lent calendar to journey through Lent with their global family. The children created purple prayer cubes and encouraged each other to preform acts of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Lenten Prayer Club Through the inspiring resources from Mission Together, we gathered together in prayer, exploring themes of repentance, sacrifice, and renewal. Our interactive sessions incorporated Lent-themed craft activities, providing hands-on experiences that reinforced the messaged shared in the weekly Gospel reading. May - The Month of Mary Our prayer club in May is dedicated to “Mary”. This year, the children were provided with the opportunity to learn about, explore and pray the mysteries of the Holy Rosary. Each week the children explored and reflected on one of the four mysteries. June - The Sacred Heart During the month of June, children from Reception and KS1 have the opportunity to take part in a Sacred Heart Prayer Club. This year the children gathered together to learn about the devotion of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The children were encouraged to be prayerful and attentive during this special time. All children took an active role in the club; setting up the prayer table, writing and reading prayers, singing Hymns and listening to the word God. The children had the opportunity to create Sacred Hearts using a range of different materials, building upon skills they have learnt during their art lessons. They also reflected on the devotion of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and shared prayers of love and thanks.


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